Spasms and twitching on celexa

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hello everyone,im sure this has been rolled many times.I started 3 weeks a go on 10 mg celexa for anxiety,after 1 week increased to 20,ive been feel off for most of this time,5 days a go i see nerve twitching under my right eye,it went away,yesterday i had trouble swallowing,like something blocked my throat,this morning was fine,but by afternoon i got spasms on the the left side of stomach and very small lip twitching,its not visible by eye,but i can feel it inside.this is not helping my health anxiety,and i want to know if anyone else experienced similar thing and what did you did to help it? cheers.

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13 Replies

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    not very helpful but i never got it on the med but i do get it withdrawing, it may settle or maybe 20mgs is too high and you only needed 10 x

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    Hi, when i upped my dose from 10mg to 20mg after a week I had muscle twitching in various places and jerking/spasms as I was falling to sleep! I'm pleased to say for me, it has pretty much gone now but it took a while - I've been on the meds since December 2019. I did start taking a daily magnesium supplement from Vitabiotics and I genuinely believe this helps! If it doesn't wear off at all after a number of weeks then you may be better off reducing to 10mg, its not harmful though its just the medication working on your nervous system. If you can put up with it whilst the meds settle it will be worth it 😃

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      thanks ,i really appreciate it

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    Hi Chefe this is my fourth time on citalopram im in 16 days at the moment after after about 12 days of nightmare side effects i get alot of twitching in my legs and arms especially when i try to sleep. I also have a very dry mouth and a sore throat i had the sore throat the last time i was cit as well perhaps your throat is dry from the meds thus getting that feeling in your throat. if your mouth is dry you could try some saliva spray or gel ive ordered one today so ill see if my throat will also improve .

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    Hi maybe speak to your doctor it's a weird drug that has all kinds of bizarre side effects which can last weeks.

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      i definitely will,i have scheduled consultation next Wednesday,i will ask him about Buspar,since i have bad health and generalized anxiety.

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    Yes, I've experienced this when I first started on Cit. My partner had something similar when he was on Sertraline too. I think mild muscle spasms are a common side effect, if I remember correctly. But this should pass 😃

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    I've been on 10mg for 4 months and I still get twitches and spasms, it might seem silly as it's a low dose but I'm wondering if even 10mg is too much for me?!

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      Personally I wouldn't go lower than 10mg because you might find your symptoms return. I think we have to accept that the muscle twitching is just a side effect. I still get them after 5months, they are more mild now though than in the beginning x

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      My symptoms haven't really gone away yet, unfortunately!

      Always the dilemma: up, down, stay the same or stop.

      I think 4 months on the same dose is long enough to expect at least a small change.

      Weirdly, I started on 5mg for the first 2 weeks and although the anxiety went through the roof and sleep became impossible the racing thoughts lessened within a couple of days.

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      Always a dilemma! Its hard to know what's best, I am on 50mg Sertraline now as 10mg cit wasn't helping my anxiety. I am much better, I still get anxious sometimes and have intrusive thoughts but they are managable x

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      I've was on Sertraline a few years ago, similar story to Citalopram for me - horrendous side effects starting up that lasted for weeks, then when they settled down a numbness but not really much relief. Have also tried Fluoxetine which was the worst - I couldn't push through the side effects of that one!

      My gut feel is that whatever I need, I don't think SSRIs can provide it, either they're targeting the wrong thing or they're just too heavyweight for me.

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    I'm glad im not the only one. I too have experienced this however i find it is worse when I am anxious so it could be anxiety related because Citalopram is also used as a muscle relaxant so I'm presuming if this is the case then it wont be giving us twitches surely! I mainly get it below or above the eyes or in my arms. It definitely is worse when im more anxious though!

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