Spasms, Tremors and Back Pain

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I was diagnosed with anxiety and acid reflux a while ago and whilst I overcame a bunch of symptoms, I'm still fighting some of them. Recently I've been having body tremors and it's frightening, it feels like my chest is fluttering or shaking and maybe this is heart palpitations but I also feels tremors in my head and arms, is this normal with anxiety?

The worst symptom right now is rib cage spasms, randomly my ribs will shake or like press down quite hard for like a second but it comes back after a few minutes. It's dreadful and sometimes it hurts and it's caused panic attacks too.

And also i have really bad back pain, especially in the top, left area... Could this be from acid reflux? Thoughts?

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3 Replies

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    Hi Nathan,

    I have also been diagnosed with anxiety recently, health anxiety to be specific and I can completely relate to what your feeling. Acid reflux believe it or not can in fact be caused by your anxiety. I often get symptoms of GERD if my anxiety levels are through the roof. You're not alone and I know it's not comforting in any way but I just want you to know it's normal what you're feeling.

    As for the back pain I have exactly the same thing going on right now as I write to you. It's located in my upper back left side. Almost feels like a knot. When we are anxious it hugely impacts our muscles causing them to tense and sometimes spasm. It's very easy to get stuck in a rut and think something is going on but I assure you it's anxiety and if you believe anything else then your anxiety is going to get the better of you making symptoms feel even worse.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much

      I miss my life being normal, I can manage the back pain but the heart palpitations and trembling is frightening. Is there anything I should do to address the palpitations? I feel like the trembling can easily be dealt with

    • Posted

      I miss having a normal life as well. Even for the split second that I forget about my problems and I switch off and laugh in that moment it will have this way of re-entering my head and I will be straight back there with worry. It's a cycle that is very difficult to break but you will find over time you will get to familiarise yourself with these sensations and pass them off for just that - sensations.

      I take propranolol for the palpitations and racing heart problems so you could always bring this up with your GP. There are natural remedies like meditation that you could try but that doesn't work for everyone. You have to be able to stay still, lye down and relax. During an anxious time you will most likely find you can't do that easily. I initially struggled with this for that exact reason or sometimes you can't meditate because it's happening at work or in a public place. This is where Propranolol helps me a lot. It keeps my heart steady and I don't experience tremors or palpitations. I highly suggest you ask your GP about this.

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