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Wish me luck for next Tuesday !! Ive got an appointment with the specialist. Im getting agitated about it ,but tell myself that whatever he does ,even to have a look ,cant be any worse than the life of pain misery Ive got at the moment!Things can only improve!

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    Well ,I went to the specialist! It wasnt half as bad an experience as what I had imagined!He agreed that I needed surgery asap ,and has put me on the 'urgent' list! I also did all the required pre op tests at the same time.Every dept I went to were sympathetic and not patronising at all .(even to this cynical old sod!) Got lost in a maze of corridors at the large hospital! Anyways,Im feeling much calmer now he has put my mind at rest about the op etc.Possibly about 3 weeks to wait ,to go in for day surgery.Never had an op ever before ,but I dont even feel apprehensive ,Im just sort of \"flat lining\" at the moment! I intend to try to keep a blog on here of my procedures and feelings. I hope someone can get something from it that will help them to make a decision.


  • Posted

    Having a much more comfortable pain day today ! pain is about 3..... on 1 to 10 scale! Im sure the anoheal is working ,but I'm definitely NOT cancelling the operation!
  • Posted

    Still using Anacal and Anoheal,and still on fibrous diet. No bleeding for a couple of days ,but still experiencing great pain when having a BM ,pain continues for at least 4 hours ,sometimes 8 hours after! Can't wait for the op date! Bean bag seat is helping A LOT!
  • Posted

    Well the Anoheal seems to be working . Ive been virtually pain free when BM'ing for about 5 days ,Still get the odd twinge ,and Im at last able to sit on a hard chair when Im eating my meals! Im still awaiting 'THE LETTER' giving me my op date . I dont EVER want to go thro' pain like that again ,so fingers crossed I dont have a recurrence . I feel Im gonna have to stay on my strict diet of various \"easy exit\" foods for the rest of my life .I seem to have found the ones that affect my BM the least ,and Im loathe to try any others for fear of a re-currence!I also drink a hell of a lot of water before/during/after meals ,which helps a great deal too. I feel Ive now also found a routine of eating ,pooing etc which helps as well.
  • Posted

    Had a bad attack these last couple of days,pain so bad I had to come home from work today.But...., got my op date today ,so altho' Im in pain I feel up- beat and positive about the whole thing! Not looking forward to the boredom of convalesing after the op at home though. They reckon 4 to 6 weeks..anyone know?... Will just have to renew the batteries in the TV remotes every few days I s'pose! B-O-R-I-N-G!!

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