Spider bite North of England uk
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January 20th 2009
Spiders in the uk
I was bitten by a spider this week. One night while preparing for sleep, I noticed a strange sensation on my hip, as if an item of clothing was too tight. Moving my clothing I felt a bump, on my skin around the side of a small egg cup. Thinking I had somehow got a boil I went to sleep thinking I would dress it with Campho Phenique the next day.
Checked bump the next day , it looked angry and red and my whole hip was stiff and ached, odd for a boil, I thought. I remained fluey for the day, while dressing bump with eucalyptus oil and Lavender oil. That night it had a Campho dressing on it, surely this would pop a boil.
Next day , it apeared slightly reduced in size with a small black scab on top. Ah, a bite. This was the point I defiantly suspected a spider. I know there should have been two fang marks but the area was still painful, although my joints were better it increased and formed pus. It was dressed daily.
Since then it has steadily decreased in size although any pressure is still a bit painful on it, when applied. The bite is being watched to make sure there is no secondary infection. I suspect something like a British garden spider, nothing too venomous as the bite is going so quickly. Someone told me last year there is a person in our street several blocks away who keeps spiders \"she shouldn't really have\", so I am being vigilant in case one of her little pals, has escaped.
I found a helpful paste mixture recipe for spider bites by searching online at bad spider bites ( its on google) .I must warn you they have some very graphic pictures on the site, of both spiders and bites so if you are squeamish or afraid of spiders get someone else to look there for you. Basically the recipe was a paste of baking soda ( I used bicarbonate of soda) and water applied to bite, it does take the pain, swelling down a bit. Salt applied to wet ( with water) spider bite was tried too. It stings but also helped deflate the thing a bit.
I am taking a daily photo of the bite to catalog its progress but thankfully it is healing well.
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The spider that i noticed was very black and was also about the size of a one pence piece. I told a friend that I was bitten by a spider and he laughed at me and also said that spiders don't bite in England.
It went down eventually but took about a week and was very itchy despite applying creams etc I'm glad I wasn't being a hypochondriac. It would be interesting to find out what type of spider it was. I've never had bites so bad despite living in a summer camp in NY for three summers, living in the woods by a lake the spiders were alot bigger.
I think it must be down to global warming as I was only saying to my wife the other day that I've seen alot of insects, spiders etc that I have never seen before despite being obsessed with all things creepy and crawly in my early years and collecting allsorts in my back garden with my bucket and trowel.
I'm going to try and find out what type of spider bit me so I can avoid him next time I do the weeding!
plus many childern and homes keep spiders that have been bought from a pet shop or breed that set guide lines on how to keep them. this shows that if you don't ensure that the pet is suitable for you or your family you need to take steps in rehoming the animal to a zoo or a college or unistery that speaiclizes in the care and keeping tropical and exotic animals.
i don't mean to afferd any one but this about the spiders and other uk animals that people have a gure against need to understand that we have built over there land and we need to live with them.