Spots and face
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i know i have written about this before but my face is breaking out in all sorts of spots- big red ones. little ones under the face bumpy ones etc
i steam my face twice a day and still have sinus issues behind the eyes! big ouffy sark circled eyes .
At a loss don't t know what to do?
my face has always been smoooth and luckly spot free. hhhhhhweeellllpop
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sharcerv52408 AG13
Unfortunately this is common in peri and or menopause. Adult acne is listed as one of the symptoms on the post about 66 menopause symptoms. I get huge zits on my face too especially around my jaw line. Acne will most definitely return in menopause if you suffered with it as a teen. But even if you didn't it is common to get it in menopause. Have you been to a dermatologist?
debra64760 AG13
yes I have at jaw line and under nose. I just was speaking to my husband about this . never had acne before. its comes and goes on top of the million other things I have been experiencing. Hang in there dear. I have one on my jaw line now and under nose. the other day it was in the right side of jaw line and it was a few ugh!!!
hi no to dermatology - i keep getting like bumps under my skin. i 've never really suffered from achne.
to scared to go to dermatology and be referred to as i feel like i have wasted enough of my doctors time
andrea00523 AG13
Hi AG,
So sorry to hear your going through facial breakouts during this time of change. I personally couldn't take it anymore & did see
the Dermatologist. She gave me a topical product (Retin-A) as well as Doxycyline 50mg twice a day. I'm relieved I have one less bothersome problem to think about. Now I don't anticipate the next painful & ugly pimple or flare up of Rosacea.
Hope whatever treatment plan you chose
works well & your skin is smooth & bright!
Here for you, XO
debra16694 AG13
hi there - You might have Rosacea - for some reason, a lot of woman develop it in Peri/menopause - if it gets out of hand, it can lead to ocular rosacea & that is never a good thing when dealing with your eyes. Best to go to a dermatologist & get it checked out - Unfortunately certain foods like, red wine, chocolate, coffee can trigger it, but for me, stress & heat play at huge part & not to mention hormones!!! if you have rosacea, chances are you will be put on a topical & Docycline pills to stop the inflammation - Good luck, but do get it checked out -