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My period has always been like clockwork. Even this month, right on time. However, it was extremely light (which is not normal for me). It was like spotting the whole 7 Days, from oct. 5 - 7. Since then, I’ve continued to have intermittent spotting. It’s never ending. Could something be wrong? Or is this typical perimenopause?
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sarah39816 alice12142
If you are greatly concerned, check it out with your GP or gynecologist. They can run a panel on your hormones and do some other testing. The hormone testing can be somewhat unpredictable though, as they can literally change day to day and even hour to hour.
I wish you all the best. I find this forum to be extremely helpful. Please let me know how you’re doing. Take care and hugs—Sarah.
alice12142 sarah39816
Thanks for your reply! I'm in the beginning stages of peri. My mom's started early on too. I'm in my late thirties, but have no kids, so I think peri started earlier for me and since my mom started early.
I do have an appointment with my gyno on Thursday, but everyday, I just keep having spotting and it's like will it ever stop? But it's nice to have others going through it to chat with.
Cillablack alice12142
I’m sure you will be fine, most people are. If it continues, go to the Dr, just to eliminate anything horrid. That is not meant to scare you by the way. Thousands of women spot yet they are fine. I hope that helps x
alice12142 Cillablack
Thank you! Yes, it does help! It's just been constant since my last "period." I'm hoping my next period isn't super heavy. Or maybe mine are just going to continue to be spotting. My progesterone levels have always been on the low side. But this everyday spotting is just obnoxious.
Cillablack alice12142
At least you have some news now and your symptoms will be treated x
alice12142 Cillablack
sarah39816 alice12142
Hi, Alice,
I'm glad you went and had it checked and you have more information about the cause of your spotting. I have fibroids, too--which causes heavy bleeding during my periods. My sister in law has the same issue (she's 52). She has fibroids, has heavy bleeding when she does have a period and had spotted frequently. She is close to reaching full menopause and her fibroids have began shrinking (she has said her spotting symptoms have started to get better). My sister has a small cervical polyp and she lightly spots between her periods--she's 42 and has had this issue for a few years now, (she has this checked regularly and while it is frustrating to her, she has been assured by her doctor it is not unusual). I understand these are both very common issues. Please keep me posted as you get more information. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine. Big hugs--Sarah
Cillablack sarah39816
alice12142 Cillablack
alice12142 sarah39816
Yes I’m relieved to know these are very common!
Up until this month, I was having heavier periods - which all started this year. I’m hoping my next period comes normally - is due in about a week. Even though it will probably super heavy because my lining is so thickened. But I’d rather it normalize itself. As for mass, if it’s not a polyp, I hope it will naturally expel itself. I just don’t want to get a D&C.
Update. Biopsy showed it was abnormally thick lining. Which went on to shed itself - which meant heavy bleeding and cramps for me for 5 days. She did another ultrasound though and uterus is cleared out. So, no polyps, but I do have 2 fibroids. She said they are really small though. The heavy bleeding stopped about two days ago. But now, again, I'm having that same spotting! It's driving me nuts. I know I had everything checked and the dr said not to worry, but I'm just annoyed with the spotting. I'm hoping it's just my cycle out of whack and it will normalize soon. She did say I'm probably perimenopausal though....which is what I suspected.
I also had STD test - negative. And a pregnancy blood test - negative. I was worried about the pregnancy one because I've had ectopic before and the abnormal spotting reminded of that time. But I guess it's not that.
So I will just have to be annoyed with the spotting.