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so im 30yrs old and ive been on the combined contreceptive pill for around 14 years...short breaks a couple of times and also to have my son. i was on one pill for many years then year or so after having my son i was switched to another (same pill just different name) ive been on this one around 2 years almost and not every month but a few months here and there ive had spotting...mainly brown dishcarge or pinkish in colour...not alot at all but enough to freaking out over it!! any advice??
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moon53540 Katie111888
Now you are in your 30s your risks for dangerous side effects from the combined pill increases drastically. Particularly as you have been on it so long. If you are worried come off it. I got multiple pulmonary emboli from the pill. You shouldn't be on the combined pill for as long as you have because all the serious risk factors go up. Have you had a smear test recently?
I cannot recommend enough for you to find another type of contraception.
Katie111888 moon53540
i'm upto date with my smears yes...the last one came back normal. although i'm going to speak with the nurse about the change in me. i've also started experiencing a sorer boob then i previously used to. its same time everything so ovulation im assuming but it seems since turning 30 things have changed! i take the pill also for my skin as i suffer acne attacks which can be very painful and the pill calms it down...i barley get any. i suffer with anxiety so this whole situation is scaring me a little. x
moon53540 Katie111888
I used the pill for acne too as I have PCOS. A few tips for hormonal acne that help are, avoid sugar and dairy. Also take multivitamins and minerals.
The pill can be a major contributing factor towards depression and anxiety so be careful. There are some higher risk pills than others, I used to take dianette and yasmin. They are very high risk, some doctors refused to give them out even 15 years ago, so if you are on either of them ask to change. I am only warning you to try and prevent someone going through what I went through. I have never been so ill and scared as when I got PEs. If you ever start to get chest pain or breathing problems, come off them immediately and tell your doctor. I would also ask for a d-dimer blood test every 6 months to make sure your clotting is healthy.
Katie111888 moon53540
thank you so much for your comments they have really helped! ive decided to come off the pill and give my body a break. i was on yasmin for years but then they moved me onto lucette, basically the exact same pill. im not sure lucette is agreeing with me...maybe there is a high dose of certain hormone in that one im not sure. my boob has been more tender then it ever has been and ive noticed a few more headaches as well as spotting....i just have a bad feeling about it. the spots are also a worry as they really get me down, but ill take on board your advice. my sister recently had to come off lucette as she was having auras with migraines and also spotting! she suffers with a similar disorder as emdometriosis so the spotting was pretty much down to that but they took her off the pill due to the migraines and she said shes felt amazing since doing so. my anxiety has got alot worse since having my son but im also thinking maybe its since switching to lucette which was around the same time.