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I'm on day 105 with no period but had a very tiny little bit of spotting this morning.
Does that actually "start the menopause clock over?" I thought I remember reading somewhere that if you spot even a little bit that you have to start at "day 1" again for the menopause count down.
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klm1213 jane66356
From what I have heard you do have to start the countdown over
chrisann144 jane66356
and yes unfortunatly you have to start again even if you just spot and dont go into a full period i have had two periods this year both with the month before spotting then would go a few days with nothing then bam i have gone 161 days thats the longest omg soooo annoying and i get labor pains or severe bad cramping so you can imagine i cant wait for that to be gone for good!!!! the last period i had was august so who knows i always joke and say i will get my period till im 70! i just turned 51 so i wish i could tell you a different story but just know your not alone
Very disappointing! That's what I thought...on top of it, I think it's working up to a full-blown period! Booo Hisss!
I'll be 53 next month and I also think I'll be 70, maybe 80 when I hit menopause! lol... I'll be in the Guinness book of world records 😉
This sucks!!! I kept thinking "this is it" - guess not.
kelly55079 jane66356
Booooo... I don't like the answers BUT great info to know..
Ella23ps jane66356
If it was just a few spots, no other symptoms and no need for a pad I would not start counting over. It could be breakthrough bleeding from HRT. Now if you get other annoying symptoms that comes along with aunt flow like cramps etc. and need to use a pad then I would start over with the counting, but just a few spots and nothing else I would not start the countdown again. I would just wait and see. But that is just me. If you want to start counting again for just a few spots you can, but oh no not me. However I had to start over myself. One spot in July and no other symptoms so I decided not to start counting over. However light period in October with sore breast and so back to the beginning of the countdown so sad, but aunt flow is one rude and unwelcome aunt.