Spotting a Symptom of Perimenopause?
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Feeling scared! My symptoms: Reflux/Indigestion, Bloated (can't eat much due to feeling full), Night Sweats, Abdominal Flutters and Pain, Shooting Pain in Back, Frequent Urination, Spotting (5 days after last period ended), irregular periods (3 to 4 months apart), extreme anxiety and depression. Anyone else experience all of these symptoms? They're frightening me, especially when my breathing is affected after eating due to feeling full. Would appreciate hearing about the experience of others. Thanks..
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nancy0925 laura80566
laura80566 nancy0925
michelle50768 laura80566
God bless xx
laura80566 michelle50768
T.Sage laura80566
michelle50768 T.Sage
pat61957 michelle50768
nikiola18292 laura80566
I would make Dr appointment and discuss ailments, i did last month. I get bloated spuradically, when i do i try not eat acidy foods and more little and often, been drinking green tea lately at that has made me feel far more healthy then i have of late. I am 50 and been told by GP that am peri. I think if you can talk all this through with your GP they may reccommend something to help as mine did. Anxiety is a really big issue with all of us here and mine, with the breathing thing, i get that when anxious its like you can't get enough air, you really have to concentrate and try and slow your breathing down and it calms you down. I take Agnus Castus and magneisium (calms your system down) it seems to be working and definitly taken the edge of my anxiety.
laura80566 nikiola18292
lisa215 laura80566
I'm having the same issues with indigestion and reflux, chest and back discomfort and pain, severe health anxiety, erratic periods etc.
I'm really struggling with the indigestion side if things, I dont seem to be able to get any relief. My GP put me in lansoprazole which did nothing and I now on rabeprazole for the last two weeks, at first they seemed ok but now my symptoms are creeping back and I'm feeling awful again.
My GP constantly dismisses peri menopause as a reason for the way I feel. Its frustrating and scary when it feels like no one is listening.
I've convinced myself that I've got something seriously wrong with me and I'm exhausting myself with worry so I totally understand how you are feeling.
Its awful but we will get through it, albeit battered and a bit bruised!
michelle50768 lisa215
What is it with these doctors that just cannot see its hormone related!!!! Ive had all the symptoms you mentioned for the past eight years. This past year being by far the worst. Its the most awful time of life but I have to say without doing my own research on sites like this I probably would have lost my sanity by now
( why oh why were we never told that perimenopause could be this bad? I will certainly be educating my four daughters as to what to expect. Keep talking theres lots of lovely ladies here to listen xx
lisa215 michelle50768
So many of us have the same sort of symptoms and it actually angers me that certain GPs just aren't taking it seriously. My GP is, to be quite honest, a waste of a massive salary! He's talked about angina then changed his mind on that, then told me I had an ulcer but backtracked on that, now its reflux caused by a hiatus hernia but he added that he couldn't be sure and this morning I got a referral letter with a cardiology appointment that I didn't even know id been referred for!
I noticed that you'd been taking omaprazole, which I understand is similar to what I'm on. Did you get any relief from them?
michelle50768 lisa215
lisa215 michelle50768
I hope you find something that helps you feel better.
Take care x
laura80566 lisa215
laura80566 lisa215
It is hard when Doctor dismiss the cause of our symptoms. Perimenopause is something I didn't expect them to dismiss. I feel for you all. We need support and education about this. We're all unprepared as a result.
nikiola18292 lisa215
Try eating ginger (crystalised) really good for the digestion. Green tea with mint. Extra strong mints for digestion is brilliant. Being extremely anxious makes you breath faster and ingesting air, so this may cause indegestion (just a thought). Have you thought about Yoga or Pilates im going to do it, to try and get through this without taking anything. Swimming is good too, takes your mind of everything. and good massage can do wonders. Dont panic we are all here! xx
lisa215 nikiola18292
Thank you for the advice, I'll certainly give the ginger and green tea a go. I did wonder if my anxiety could be causing my digestive issues. The ingesting air thing is a really good point cos I think I do hyperventilate.
nikiola18292 lisa215
Yes, that can happen, thats what i did when i had a panic attack and called ambulance as 1st time i had it my husband was away and thought i was dying, feel really stupid about it now. The paramedic said that when hyperventilating you ingest air and it makes you feel sick, as i was dry heaving. Since reading everyones comments on here, it does seem that anxiety is causing a lot of issues regarding health anxiety i am the same, never used to be like this. However seeing a pattern here is helping me to see that it is hormones that are making us feel like this, and accepting that might be the way to dealing with it. Making changes to diet and lifestyle can really aleiviate the problems we are all experiencing. My mum got through it with swimming and excercise, she didnt take anything, as did my friends mum, she did Pilates, so it can be done without anti-depresents, i think sometimes that can compoung everything. Although i do appreciate that they may be needed. I asked my doctor for them saying i had severe anxiety and she asked me if i was depressed. I said no just anxious and she said no to anti-depresents!
lisa215 nikiola18292
I have a very stressful job and when I'm not working im caring for my 80 year old mother who's in poor health.
I was offered anti depressants but refused them.