Spotting and breast pain while at menopause

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I am writing because my family doctor scared me to death. I am 47 now and officially at menopause as per my doctor's saying. I didn't have a period for 18 months now, so she told me I am at menopause. I didn't have any hot flushes. But twice I had blood spottting together with all the PMS symptoms; bloated constantly and the breasts ate very sour and tender. 2 weeks ago when I saw my dr she told me that is not normal to bleed and that if I spot again to go for an ultrasound because it might be ovarian cancer. Now I got again my breasts tender and painful and I spotted today (very little - just a wipe). And I am scared to death to go at the doctor. Did any of you had these PMS symptoms and spotting after you enter menopause?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I do understand what you're going through. If you haven't had a period for 18 months, don't wait.  Go back to your doctor and get an ultrasound.  Your body is sending you a message that something might be wrong. Please don't ignore it. If you're in menopause, PMS isn't likely.  

    Most things can be fixed if caught soon enough.  But if you put off going because you're scared, you won't find out what's going on. You need to find out. xx 


  • Posted

    It's normal to spot and be irregular during menopause. If anything, you may have a fibroid, but probably it's just your hormones fluctuating. Don't let the Drs. scare you with ovarian cancer. It's good to get checked out nontheless just to be sure.

    I've had 2 biopsies, an MRI, vaginal ultrasound, CT scans, etc., due to 2 bouts of irregular bleeding and earlier digestive issues to learn I have a couple of fibroids and had some slight gastritis, also a menopausal symptom. Luckily, my fibroids were very small, small enough not needing to be removed per my OB, and they are not causing me any pain either. Bleeding stopped again too. I'm post meno now, so most of my earlier symptoms have subsided, but have went 12 mos. without a period and just recently 22 months without. Now 2 mos. Without hoping no more spotting or heavy periods knocking on wood.

    Try not to worry, I'm sure it's just your hormones.

  • Posted

    Obviously hetvthings checked out. But please don't worry! I've known friends who have been in menopause for years and had a full blown period. It's not unusual to have some spotting or bleeding after you have stopped periods.  Just remember that woman's estrogen doesn't go from normal to zero. Your ovaries will continue to make some for many years. ( even a decade) 

    So please don't worry yourself sick. 

  • Posted

    Are you  any form of HRT? I believe one of the dude effects is tender breasts. Not sure about the spotting though. Perhaps you should get it checked out, just in case. Your Dr wasn't very tactful, they don't usually use the C word until they are sure. Most of the time it turns out to be nothing to worry about, but they like to check just in case - which is a good thing, right?

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies, I am going to check it out to make sure nothing is wrong. I will post here the result. I am not on HRT. I always had irregular periods, at the beginning for years I had once or twice per year. 

    The PMS symptoms started right after I started a heavy fitness program, but my dr said that it shouldn't have any effect on spotting or breast tenderness.

    • Posted

      Obviously, just check it out but also google heavy exercise and spotting.  I am 45 and have been running for 3 years but several months ago started spotting between periods. Used to be ovulation time only but then started happening at other times too. I have had bloods, smear, swabs etc all come back fine and also have an ultrasound next month. Everyone says it's peri  and I'm sure it is but I'm also sure exercise makes it worse. Which drives me mad as I love running but it's putting me off. Having said that, I haven't ran for 3 weeks, just to see  if it still happens. Thought I was  ok but  it happened again today  -  ovulation day according to my app... Oh, the joys!

      ?Please keep us posted x

  • Posted

    hi there sweetheart, we are all individual to our own bodies we cannot listen to anyone. but trust in our doctors they are there to help the sooner the better for any outcome, , no one is trying to scare you ,,I also had a bleed and really sore breast ,,, but also bloating and pain so mine was something ,,, no matter how scared you are you have to listen and rule out cancer ,, please go and look after yourself you are the only one who can , xxx best of luck and I'm sure it will more than likely be nothing , xx

  • Posted

    Hello Ladies, I wanted to give you an update; I had an intravaginal ultrasound that showed multiple intramural small fibroids and a slightly thickened uterine lining at 3.5 mm. My family doc told me in a letter that if the bleeding persists, go and see a gyno for further evaluation. So, if I get bleeding again Im going to make an appt. I have no pain, I feel bloated though. From what I read, if they don't bother you, you leave the fibroids alone and check them from time to time.

    • Posted

      Actually your lining is darn near perfect!  In meno, while there are some variations, the lining should be around 3mm.  So 3.5 isn't anything.  And the small fibroids should continue to shrink as your estrogen continues to decline.  I had a couple also, but wouldn't have even known they were there, if it weren't for the uterine ultrasound.  I never noticed anything.  

      So good, you've gotten checked out.  I bet it was a last hooray, and chances are you won't see any more bleeding.  Now you can relax.  


    • Posted

      Yes...I had the exact same thing, but I was bleeding 2 full periods in May and June, this is after not having a period for almost 2 full years, so I was in post. So it hot me concerned too. Same as you, had the vaginal ultrasound, another biopsy and MRI only to find out the very same thing. I had 3 fibroids.

      They were on the smaller side, lining was average about 3 mm. too, normal for my age and where I am in menopause. Like you had no pain, just bloaty in that area. Had no periods since June, knock on wood, so I'm happy about that. I don't need to have my fibroids removed either since they were on the smaller side and have no pain.

      Thank goodness for both of us.

    • Posted

      do you still feel bloated? Thats my only side effect, although it might be just from gaining weight :-( . I wonder if I go to a gyno she will also order biopsy and MRI in addition to the ultrasound. 
    • Posted

      A little bit bloated, but I have gained a lot of wright there since starting menopause. It's normal I think to gain weight in your belly though. I don't like it, and trying to work at it, but so hard to get rid of the belly fat. Nothing works, and I like my carbs too much.

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