Spotting and Fibroids
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Me Again...I have fibroids and my period stopped Sunday but now I am having spotting and abdominal discomfort. I'm on antibiotics since Monday night for diverticilitis and never had spotting from thst before. I am in peri....does anyone else experience spotting after their period ended?
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jayneejay nancy0925
you could do with talking to beth.. She said she has fibroids and she is spotting..
its normal to spot and bleed with fibroids it does happen.. But mention this to the Doctor aswell ..
spotting in peri is also possible I did that, from heavy to normal to light then spotting then a trace ... Then now... Nothing
Jay xx
jayneejay nancy0925
this may help you..
How to Use Probiotics to Prevent or Treat Diverticular
also a must durimg any antibiotics as they kill the good bacteria
Probiotics for Diverticulitis
Stock up on L. acidophilus supplements. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a commonly used probiotic, also referred to as "good bacteria." This form of bacteria already exists in your body, however, diverticular disease can minimize the level of good bacteria resulting in disruption to intestinal health. This probiotic helps decrease diarrhea, intestinal infections and pouch inflammation association with diverticular disease. Choose tablet or capsule forms of L. acidophilus at your local health food store.
Jay xx
nancy0925 jayneejay
jayneejay nancy0925
bless you .. You have had alot to deal with ... Peri aswell as that..
I do hope you feel better soon Nancy
big hugs Jay xx
nancy0925 jayneejay
fancygoldfish nancy0925
jayneejay fancygoldfish
maybe you should have an ultra sound hun... And check..
i bled for 21 months in early peri and I had ovarian cysts then, they did go, but they also grew.. They were not cancer.. This was a few years ago when i was age 41.. I am now 50..had peri for 9-10 years..
I made an appt for a well woman check here in spain and went on monday .. Wow saw my ovaries, uterus the lot, breast tissue in 3D ..
all was fine thank goodness, he even told me my ovaries were in menopause , non functioning and no follicles all normal.. Showed me them.
it was a private clinic here ... Its well worth getting things checked if you feel things may be adrift.. Put your mind at rest..
Jay xx
Blessed_Mimi nancy0925
Sorry to hear your in so much pain, as if being in peri isn't enough on it own . I have a friend with diverticulitis and I know its alot on a person to deal with. As for the spotting...I've started my period and ended it and started spotting a day later but I just associate it with my hormones being on a roller coaster. Sorry to not be much help but I'm sure someone on the forum will have some good advice. My prayers are going out for you and hope you start to feel better soon. Be blessed -hugs to you!
beth64101 nancy0925
I too have fibroids and I am spotting. I was told I have thickening of the uterine wall. I am trying to get set up to have an ultra and sonogram. The doctor did tell me fibroids can sometimes cause you to bleed. You might want to consider being checked just to be safe. Take care.... Isn't this fun?? (Not)

nancy0925 beth64101
I just had a gyno checkup last month, she didn't mention any thickening. I don't have cramps and the spotting is very insignificant but I feel a pressure and bloating in my abdomen. My period just ended Sunday. Been experiencing all kinds of peri symptoms since April. It all hit at once. I feel like the fibroid is causing irritable bowel like feelings. Do you ever have that? No real cramps, just pressure.
beth64101 nancy0925
fancygoldfish nancy0925
I've been checked out and don't have fibroids or polps or anything. It's all hormonal and being obese makes it worse. I don't have any cramps, pressure, bloating, etc. but I sure do get hot at night! I just read at on a medical site that excessive spotting in perimeno is not uncommon, although in rare cases, it can be something more serious.