Spotting between periods normal, perimenopausal?

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hello, been spotting a few days now. Just ovulated today. Have had this off and on for a while now. Get twinges sometimes in lower abdominal/pelvic area, not pain. Just don't like these "abnormalities" makes one feel something dreadfully must be wrong. Thank you, Mary

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi you don't state your age Mary, i am 56 so i am thinking i am near to stopping completely at the moment i am getting spasmodic but not sure if it`s period or something more serious ..

    I get a dull pain on my right side but it disappears then comes back a week later or a month later .

  • Posted

    I still have the occasional cycle at my age 56 and when I was in my forties (not sure of your age) I would occasional spot between periods. Nothing sinister was going on, but I do recall having the Gyn check it out, I believe I had an Ultrasound. Always good to check with the doctors with some of these matters, most likely nothing but good ole Peri. Twinges for me would happen at time of ovulation and not all the time. 

    Take care!

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    I'm sorry, I'm 48. Thank you for the responses. I have had ultrasounds done in the past. Was told I had a cyst a couple years ago but wasn't anything to worry about, that they come and go. Nothing was felt on ovaries by doctor when she examined me.
    • Posted

      Well, that is reassuring news that you have had it checked out. Good. Yes, as mentioned before, I did occasionally spot. Was told not to worry.

      Hope this helps!

      Annie xx

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      Annie, Thank you. Have appt next month for a physical, going to get re-checked. Just feel like more is going on. Don't know if it's because the "change" is on its way and everything is getting ready to close down.


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    Also, I do get the pain in the side above hip towards my back each month when I ovulate on either side. The twinges I had were low in front on right side a week ago, lasted on and off for 24 hrs, then gone.
  • Posted

    hi,iam. Also worried ,I'm 47 and periods have been a bit weird,my one in dec was 36 days in between and when it came lasted 3 days normally lot more ,then had one 15 days latter normal one in February 7 then started spotting on 16 th feb again and now day 14 any still spotting ,think had right period couple of days ago ,got a referral to gyno but 18 weeks wait ,so worried in case something serious down there or perimenapause
    • Posted

      When i was 47 i use to have very heavy periods once a month for a full 5 days, then when i reached 50 it became the monthly flood. I could not go out for fear of a mishap, then when i reached 54 they became less frequent every 2 months and 4 months and so on  . Then 55 i thought i had stopped altogether but no i would have a period every 5 months . And now i am 56 i seem to get spotting slightly for a few days every week and i get very itchy down there.  
    • Posted

      Hi,I'm also having problems down there ,burning stinging ,irritation feeling ,don't know if it connected or not to periods or not,I also have health anxiety so very worried ,my health anxiety is cancer ,so as you can imagine I'm going nuts,lol ,just would like to hear someone else in my position as I'm so scared 
    • Posted

      Vanessa get checked for an infection at your Docs.  I have that feeling and it has been an infection but also symptoms of the meno too. The Doc may suggest an ultra sound of your bladder which will hopefully reassure you.  I have had it done and settled me down as like you I thought I had cancer.  That kind of feeling is very common in peri and meno so try not to be too worried.XXXX
    • Posted

      Thank you ,I got tested for thrush but came back negative just wish it would all go away 😥
    • Posted

      Vanessa I do know how you feel!! It is just horrible.  I am back to the Doc this week to see if they can give me anything.  I am on solaphenacin (spelling) to settle the  bladder but not working. I take D-mannose, cranberry tabs and rainforest macca and it seems to take the edge of things but nothing more than that. I also have oestrogen ovules and a moisturising cream which do helpa bit.  Go back to your Docs and ask for help particularily regarding what is actually causing this.  Take care.X
    • Posted

      I had the EXACT same thing happen to me! I had a 40 day long cycle, then a short period, followed by a 19 day cycle... it's day 16 and I'm STILL spotting!! I did get an ultrasound last week and it showed two fibroids which is common at this age. The fluctuating hormones cause them to grow. Thank God there is nothing sinister like cancer! I do plan on seeing an ob-gyn to discuss the possibility of further treatment. I am already on a bio-identical progesterone cream, but I think it's time to get my hormones checked again. I am only recently experiencing the sleep disturbances and amongst other symptoms with a vengeance.

  • Posted

    Good to know the feelings are common. I feel the same way. I mean, it does happen to women, they do get it so how can you not feel scared of it, you know what I mean?very unsettling. My heart breaks for women who do have to go through it, but I can't help but pray please God don't let me be one 😔

    thank you to all who are helping us with these worries 😊

    • Posted


      So well put. I feel this way as well. I remember how frightened and confused I was prior to finding this site. There are days I still get quite antsy, but I know I can look on here and see if my concerns are within reason and how others dealt with it.

      I often think of my mom (she passed away several years ago) and wonder how she went through all this. I don't recall  her exhibiting any issues or worries during this time. Bless her and the ladies of her generation, it really wasn't talked about then at all. Hopefully she didn't have any problems. 

      But like you, I think of the ladies that don't have someone or know of these sites to come with their concerns. Horrible.

      Please give us an update when you go to your doctor's next month.


    • Posted


      Sometimes I wonder if a lot of our issues are worse now than they were, perhaps due to environmental factors, food sources, processed food, stress etc...

      I know my mom, who is 82 now, went through having agoraphobia for a time in her 40's. We would be somewhere and would have to leave because my mom would be upset. She was and still is a nervous person. My uncle was a pharmacist, I believe you call them chemist, and would give her Valium all the time. I don't remember her having menopause issues, but would complain of pains here and there. It's hard to know, my mom does not go to docs for these things so I have no idea what she may or may not have had. They also didn't have all the scans like we do now.

      She had told me her mother had ovarian cancer and was treated with cobalt. When I told the gyn doc about that, she asked how old my grandmother was when she passed, 86. She said there's no way she could've had ov cancer and only been treated with cobalt and live to 86. She would've had to have more extensive surgery and probably would not have lived as long. Said she may have had something cervical, possibly HPV. She said Grandma may have been a little wild. When I told my mom this, she said men always liked my grandma and she would go out in the evening sometimes. There was a time my grandpa was in Alaska for work, so who knows?? Anyhow, very doubtful she had ov cancer.


      I also wonder if we have too much information at our fingertips with the Internet and we get ourselves over worried?

      blessings to you. I'm feeling a little more like this is just part of the process. I like this UK board better than the health board I went on here in the US. 

      I will let know what doc says when I go. 

      Thank you,



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