Spotting for a whole month
Posted , 7 users are following.
Hello ladies. Has anybody experienced spotting through a whole month? my spotting is sometimes bright red, or light pink, almost watery looking. Please helpš
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Hello ladies. Has anybody experienced spotting through a whole month? my spotting is sometimes bright red, or light pink, almost watery looking. Please helpš
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maria76995 maria81238
HI, Maria, thats how periods are they get erratic in perimenopause the spotting, heavy, light some days bleed for 2 weeks and so on all normal the colour can change brown red pink it happens, any extra flooding can be fibroids...they are tring to come to end hope this helps.
louise25018 maria81238
Hi Lovely
Yes I had this for 3+ months at the end of last year. I was so worried like yourself. It just seems never ending and every time you go to the toilet you keep checking yourself and it got so obsessive and depressing for me (on top of the worry that "something must be wrong") BUT...please try not to worry (easier said than done I know!). It all sounds quite normal to me and the good news was I had this constantly for 3+ months then in January it stopped and I haven't had a period or spotting since then (touch wood!). Maybe this will be the same for you too?
if you are at all worried then obviously just chat to your medical professional but from what you describe its all part of the peri/menopause ride all us ladies are trying to cope with.
Be kind to yourself lovely and thank goodness for this forum eh?
Take care Loux
sabrina1971 louise25018
I had something similar to you. Spotting for almost a year (could have been longer, have now forgotten!) on and off and now 8 months period free. The worry drove me insane! But I feel much calmer now.
Guest maria81238
Hi Maria, This happened to me for almost a whole month July of 2017...I had gone off BCP the previous month and did not know I was in peri too! While my cycle was trying to regulate...I had a little something every day. Recently, I went 57 days, no period, but spotted a couple of times in between days...I was obsessively checking and then, FINALLY got a regular period. Crazy!
thank you all for replying. It gives me peace of mind I am not alone in this crazy rollercoasterā¤
linda79797 maria81238
**Oct 6th i had those rush of hormones with high anxiety and all the premenopausal i hadnt had a period since June 2015 mind you so tp my surprise i was soooo scared. I had been under tremendous stress with my sick mother amongst other things. So, i spotted for 2 weeks amd last Friday the 19th i started my period ! it was a lil heavy for 2 days and after that i was still flowing but minimally. I went to the Dr had Labs done came back normal....i had a Abdominal Ultrasound and Dr said it was Endometrial Hyperplasia which . Which is Too much estrogen was produced and not enough Progesterone which causes you to bleed. My endometrial stripe was thick. The ultrasound didnt show anything else. Its pretty common. I I understand everything you went through its scary. ive never had high cholesterol and thats the only thing that was detected in my blood work...i think brought on by stress. Dont worry you will be ok. I love having this forum it really helped me feel like i was not alone. God bless you all.