Spotting Mid Cycle!
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I've posted a few posts recently, as out of nowhere I think I'm entering the menopause... although at 49 I suppose I should have been expecting it!!
So for the 3rd month in a row I've had spotting mid cycle ( bang on when I'm ovulating), it lasts until my period starts ( then periods are very heavy) then stops for over a week, then spotting starts again!
I've had a Pap test which was all clear, but my anxiety has been at an all time high for the last 4 months, with dizzy/detached spells... I cry about everything... then get angry about nothing....I do suffer from anxiety ( escitalopram for 8 years), but this is way beyond the norm.
As I said, my Pap test was clear and they always have been, I've had an ultra scan of my ovaries and that showed nothing either.... so why can't I be rationale about this....??
I mentioned the menopause to my Doctor but they just skimmed over it and went back to my anxiety issues...
I swing from thinking it's the menopause to thinking I have some horrible cancer... it's incredibly draining...😞😪
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jo4848 alice1209
Sorry, can't do a long post as I'm away and on my phone but this sounds very similar to my issue. I am 45 and this started several months ago. It's so scary and I am paranoid about going for a run as I now bleed midcycle bang on ovulation day but have convinced myself that my running triggers it somehow. Smears always clear. Had a brief internal exam and she said she couldn't feel anything unusual and also gave me a painful swab for infections but I know it's not that. Also need to have a scan but she said she's confident it's perimenopause.
Get it checked to put your mind at rest and keep us posted xx
This aanxiety issue is horrible. I've never been such a wreck!
alice1209 jo4848
It's just so hard to keep calm when your mind is full of anxiety...
I've now had two paps within 6 months and , 2 ultra scans to have a good look at my ovaries in the last 9 months... but beside some normal cysts there was nothing to be concerned about. My doctors wanted to do an internal BUT I almost fainted when he did the Pap test ( a mixture I think of anxiety and I feel so sick when the swab my cervix) so he left it.
I've noticed after excessive exercise the spotting increases, but it's definitely around when I'm ovulating, so I think it's to do with that... which I'm sure I've heard before can happen.m
I'll keep you posted with this saga... 🙈
jo4848 alice1209
Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't enjoy those examinations. Smears don't bother me much but when she did the swab she hurt me and I felt horrible. I think I tensed up so much and this made it painful. Felt so silly and kept apologising and so did she. Was awful!
She then told me to brace myself as the scan is also internal 🙈
alice1209 jo4848
I used to be fine with the smears but with the last two I've felt really sick during it... I really thought I was going to throw up and faint..., not ideal!!
I had two scans, one where they scan my tummy with the same equipment they use when you first see your baby in your tummy, I'm assuming that's an ultrascan. The second my doctor wanted a more intensive scan so I was sent to a gyno clinic and it was again the scan over the tummy but also the internal... to rest assure you it isn't nearly as invasive as a smear and I barely felt it. I suppose cause they do it all day they are much better at it!
I don't really know what else they can do... I'd rather they just said it was the menopause as its the uncertainty that causes my huge anxiety!
pinkcatfairy alice1209
Dear Alice
I too used to spot mid cycle and it started some time before menopause, like you, I got it checked out, I did have some simple cysts on my ovaries when I had tests later on when it happened again but I dont know if this caused it because earlier on I dont think I had them then. It is quite unsettling isnt it but at least you have been checked out , I think it's the hormones unsettling everything x
alice1209 pinkcatfairy
Thanks for your reply... I did have a couple of small cysts, but the gyno said he was completely unconcerned about did cross my mind that they had burst, but it seem unlikely that they wouldn't burst every month.
I do think it's all to do with the menopause, but I so wish there was so much more info out there to reassure us all!😞
pinkcatfairy alice1209
Dear Alice
I know, in this day and age I thought we would be more informed! But it's like we are still in the dark ages where menopause is concerned! Yes simple cysts are nothing to be concerned about, I know there are different types of cysts and some women's cysts are dispelled after their periods x
michelle_79406 alice1209
Hi Alice
I'm 44 and I have suffered terrible anxiety for the last 6 years I would say. And only a few months ago I cut sugar and the likes out of my diet and wow . What a difference it made to my anxiety levels. I am now not afraid to be home alone or to go for a walk. I am getting my life back big time. I do suffer from dizzy spells and more severe migraines than I would have had all my life. More so the week b4 periods. My periods had gone terribly heavy for a few years but now the are. Ack to normal. Have pains in my joints . Again worse period week.doc said I'm too young to be peri. Which is a load of s***e. I find the week before and week of period it's very easy to hurt my muscles and back. It's definitely hormone related. Bloody doctors. Haven't a clue. And it was a female doctor. And I'd say she was in menopause herself
alice1209 michelle_79406
Ha... that made me laugh!😂😂
It's so difficult not knowing what is going on with your own body... the spotting worries me more than anything, even although logically I know it's just all part of it... 😞
jo4848 alice1209
alice1209 jo4848
If I've been at the gym and do sit ups the spotting seems loads worse... it's good to know that your GP thinks it's normal.
I've had 3 smear tests in the last 8 months and my ovaries looked at via ultra scan, I should calm down about it, BUT it still freaks me out.
It's makes me feel better knowing that others feel the same way... I do think I'm losing my mind at times!!
jo4848 alice1209
I am now scared of that scan that's coming up as she said it would be internal too :O
?If you've been checked out regularly, I'm sure you are ok, just try not to worry too much as stress probably makes it worse for us xx
?I get so moody with it as well and feel the need to obsessively check to see if it's happening. It ruins any day out I have because I am constantly worried it would happen which would in turn mean there's something wrong with me :*(
lynwell14 alice1209