Spotting (perhaps ovulation?)

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Hello, just looking for some support and advice as I feel like I'm going crazy with worry! I can't get an appointment until June 7th so until then I have all kinds of time to convince myself I am dying. sad

I'm 45 and have had erratic periods over the last year or so. Some of them barely showing anything, and others being long cycles like 70 days instead of the usual 30ish. Luckily they have not been heavy bleeds or very crampy and last 6-7 days. My most recent cycle was 64 days with a 6 day bleed, and then on day 16 I had some spotting as I went to bed. Was all clear next day and the same thing happened again at bed time with another sign of spotting. Now today I am spotting ie there is some blood with a little mucus every time I wipe after I pee. This week I have hormonal acne on both side of my chin and feel a little hormonal, bloated etc. That has not happened in a LONG while. I've been very active what with bending and stretching with gardening lately. Would that kick something off?? I am trying ​not to panic, but of course that is easier said than done. 

I also have Hashimoto's and trying to get that into remission. I know that can play havoc with hormones too. 

So, I am going to get checked, but in the meantime I am so scared!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I know you're scared, I'm going through the same thing. I've noticed physical activity makes my symptoms worse and gardening certainly qualifies. Just try to take it easy on yourself. Rest when possible and make sure you're hydrated AND taking a multi-vitamin. I'm not a doctor but I've been going through this for years and though I'm not at the end I've found things that help. You're going to be okay. Good thoughts.
    • Posted

      Thank you, Molly! Does physical activity really make us spot like this? Wow, that is something new to learn. I am trying to get fitter and be more active, so that's a bit of a downer side effect! What else has helped you?
  • Posted

    Hi Sabrina,  Sounds like you are starting meno.   You may think that you are too young, but, nope it can happen at your age and younger.  I would keep that doctor appointment for sure.  But really for now, put your mind at ease until you see your doctor.  You will be getting some more responses from some very informative women on this site, I think you will see for now, you won't have anything to worry about.  We are here for you!!  Here's a {{{{HUG}}}}  for you...we all can use those!
    • Posted

      Thank you, deidra. I know. I am not too young for all of this...unfortunately! rolleyes thank you for your support.
  • Posted

    Dear sabrina,

    I had alot of spotting on and off in peri, running up to peri i would get mid cycle spotting and it happened after me swimming once. Obviously always best to get things checked but it sounds like the start of menopause and this is how it affected me with my periods x

    • Posted

      Thank you, pinkcatfairy! It's when you come to forums like this that you get the real truth about these things. 
    • Posted

      Yes these forums are great, you dont always get the answers from the doctors but here you hear about the real symptoms of the menopause and from women who experience or have experienced them, a great help along our journey and it is a journey x
  • Posted

    Hi Sabrina. I am same age as you and just started peri menopause last few months but could be longer ago as i too have had irreg bleeding for last 18mths. my fab gp started me on hrt on 1/4/16, & so far, it has stopped all the irreg bleeding (just like yours in odd patterns & consistency of bleed) apart from i had a light crampy bleed for 2 days which started the same day as my depo contraceptive injection. i really need to go few more months on the hrt to see if this has stopped it properly, but so far so good. i was getting 2 or 3 light bleeds a month sometimes lasting for few days, but sometimes weeks. i have been on the depo injection since dec 12 for 2nd time round & had no probs with irreg bleeding until about 18mths ago(which is odd as if the depo is going to cause irreg bleeding its usually during the 1st year of use). along with lots of other symptoms more recently in last few months my gp has diagnosed peri menopause (after having tv ultrasound to make sure no other probs of course). the fact the hrt has already improved many of the symptoms & stopped the irreg bleeding endorses her diagnosis. btw she also said hormonal blood tests are unreliable as hormones fluctuate sooooooo much even on 1 day, so don't be fobbed off by that as many ladies on here seem to be by their doc's. i am lucky i have a fab gp who is very well "gen'd up" on menopause & hrt & totally gets the effect it has on women. many ladies on here are not so fortunate to have such good gp's & have to really push for help. but we are all happy to discuss, support, & share experience & info on here to help each other get help from the doc's etc & not allow us to be fobbed off. hope this helps hun xxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you looloo. I am glad you have found help and hope it continues. I have a new doctor and she is great so far. It's just the long wait to see her that's making me anxious! Thanks for your support.
  • Posted

    Not surprised you are scared.  Its horrible and frightening when your cycle changes especially when random bleeding happens. 

    You sound like you've been in perimenopause for a while and together with hashimotos your hormones must be crazy you poor thing :-(  I had midcycle spotting after going for a run sometime ago and put it down to exercise however it happened again and lasted longer so I think mine is probably hormonal or stress.  Every time it happens I get terrified and health anxiety goes off the charts.  My doctor did blood tests and ultrasounds so at least I can be reassured and told not to worry.  Every month, I guess, will be different from now on and there is no such thing as a normal cycle any more.

    I have looked at loads of websites and this forum and find that midcycle bleeds do happen and not just for ovulation spotting.  There are other reasons such as anovulation and old endometrium shedding (will be brown).  Stress is a factor, although it never affected my periods in the past, and the changes in estrogen and progesterone is defintely a big player.  Fibroids and polyps could cause bleeding too so see if you can get a transvag ultrasound.

    Am sure you'll be fine.  Everything you've described points to hormones to be honest.  You'll be OK. x


    • Posted

      Thank you, Topsy. I think once I can get checked properly I will feel less concerned (hopefully). I always think the worst of things which is not good for me, but you never know. rolleyes It's hard when so many women (in person) don't talk about this stuff! So grateful for this forum.
  • Posted

    I am so thankful for this forum and you lovely people responding to my panic! This is much better than going to Dr. google and worrying myself even more. 

    After three days of spotting, I started to bleed properly yesterday morning. I thought it was going to be a period and I was all excited because hey I'll take it over spotting. Well, that lasted half a day and I went back to nothing at all by last night and nothing again today so far. Ugh! It's so worrying when it's not the norm, but maybe this is the new norm. Still getting new angry spots on my chin so I am hoping this is all hormones creating this worrying event. sad

  • Posted

    I came on here because I have so many questions about this also. Three or so years ago my vision doctor told me I was going through early menopause.  I don't know how he knows but he said he could  see it in my eye with the equipment they use. 

    Anyway, I have been going through similar situation; at times staining brownish, other times regular, other times clotting for about 2 years now. But in the last two months I have been staining/bleeding every day. Not heavy but when I get my period I feel like I am going to die with pain and bleeding and muscle aches; so much worse than my teenage years. I was terrified for a while but several people have told me that it happens during menopause.  I just want to know if anyone can tell me... Approximately, how long does this last?  I know I must see the doctor. I have made several appointment but I'm so ashamed if he has to take a look.  I've been waiting for it to stop but it only stops for a day or two and then it comes back.  What can I do to stop or ease the pain. Nothing over the counter has been helped me  sad  Please help!!

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