Ssri sinuses side effect?
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I started lexapro 15 about 7 months ago. anxiety is much better but still recovering. tree allergy season came along in april had the normal sneezing itching eyes and congestion that went away with a steroid shot - normal every year. started allergy immunization. then grass pollen and hot humidity in june came on . started having sinus pain in face and upper teeth - foggy headed - fatigue. allergy dr agreed all from allergys steroid shot healed this for about 3 weeks. then came back. stopped allergy immunization foggy headed fatigue and sinus pain mostly went away. dr agreed maybe bad timing for allergy immunization. i have been flushing sinuses which does help.
my question is has anyone experienced sinus issues with ssri as a side effect and does it eventually pass? POSITIVE replies only!!!
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Lolita40 brian49010
Hi Brian!
Im sorry to read about your sinus.
What I understand is that you had allergies and sinus issues even before ssri.
And this year, they say allergy season is strong.
I also had sinus issues since years, even before meds. I dont think my med makes it worst because I have friend who dont takes it and have sinus issues and allergy.
And you were good before that.
Maybe your immunization is not at the right time.
Do a lot of sinus rinse, nasonex , vitamin c and I would suggest a few seances of acupunctures. It doesnt work right away so you have to go a few times and find a good one.
My osteopath also helps me.
But I really think its a time were allergies are high cause Im also sneezing, etc.
Good luck!
amber09486 brian49010
allergies are a pain. i doubt it is the ssri making it worse. i suffer from terrible allergies and have done the following: neti rinse every other day (any more and it can be too drying), bought a good air purifier for my bedroom (costco, like $160 ish), and when its really bad i simply try and avoid being outside for prolonged periods of time during spring. accupuncture may also help.
lynn67615 brian49010
hi BRIAN, i have been on luvox since MAY 1st, been on raised dose for 7 weeks holding on this time. Hope you are doing well
brian49010 lynn67615
im hanging in the lynn!!
shfer brian49010
I do have the same symptoms and all the DRs are telling me it cant be sinuses that you experience such pain. But my pain is mainly in that area , sometimes top of the head and sometimes it is the stiff neck ( like a lot).
Now I have been on ssris on and off for quite a few years despite being 34 yrs old now.
Fact is before i first started to take any medication for anxiety/depr I operated my sinuses as I was also thinking that the sinuses was the main problem causing me all of these horrible feelings I experienced. Dizzines, extreme fatigue, head fog, headaches, anxiety and what not. I had amaazing success with fluoxetine first then escitalopram for many years without having headache ever as a symptom.
Now after about 11 years I feel all ssris (have not tried snris, I am currently on mirtazapine day 6 only) are making me have this headache but again it is kind of strange cus if I do take a benzo of any kind, xanax or diazepam or whatever the pain goes away meaning it is some kind of anxiety, psychological related pain but then again I think should i maybe operate my sinuses again cus they really are blocked anyway!
Its a guessing game for me right now and I am having pain as I write this its now in my sinuses area exactly I will report back on this thread how I go with mirtazapine because this one has nowhere at all in the list of side effects that headache is a side effect.
well after a long journey of trial and error and dr visits . started feeling brain fog and light headed in june. anyway started bleeding around an upper implant in my mouth in august . went to dentist found a bad infection around implant under my nose. sent me straight to surgeon. he said this has been going on for about 3 - 4 years . he took out implant and performed bone graft sep 25 im feeling better. i had a bad accident 22 years ago got kicked by horse. bone grafts and implants. this one implant was so close to bottom of nose . its no telling how long this has been making me feel bad!! no front teeth right now but glad to be feeling better:)
shfer brian49010
are u saying it was your teeth that gave you headaches? or pressure? did u have headaches and pressure? its been about 1 year since all antidepressants are giving me headaches or head pressure around sinus area, nose and eyes! its a mystery for me as of yet and i have no idea what is going on! could it be ssris are making my sinuses worse or not? i do have dry inflammed sinuses and deviated septum and operated them 10 years ago. Still looking for answers 😦
brian49010 shfer
shfer i have been on lex since nov 2018 pretty much recovered from the anxiety at least thats what i feel. ive had pollen allergies all my life. always sinus issues during fall spring and summer. so i have much experience with sinus headaches cheeks, ears, jaws and forehead. now the brainfog, lightheaded, tired and feeling bad that started in may. i also had a bad pain from this this area along left side of nose to my eye. this was all caused by the infection between my upper mouth under my nose. started bleeding around implant and this is what sent me in the right direction.
the sinus headaches i will have to wait till spring to know for sure about that. i have never had brain fog lightheaded fatigue with my allergy sinuses.
i also know my dry sinuses and a little dry mouth are caused by ssris. took me 19 years to figure this out. i started paxil many years ago started having dry sinuses what i thought was infection and had surgery which didnt dry sinuses is not a major problem for me. i stopped paxil 6 yrs later and nose started running like normal. started back on paxil nose dryed up again then stopped paxil again 6 yrs later you guessed it nose became moist again. so i took notice. now 7 yrs later the lex makes it a little dry. like i said not a major problem.
i have had the neck pain also changing ssri or dose along with mucsle tensing before. this is anxiety. the anxiety and stress can cause issues with sinuses and headaches also.
how long have you been on this med ? if you have started recently i would say that what you are experiencing is start up side effects. these meds increase anxiety at first. you body takes a long time to adjust like many months. i remember when we had our first child at 25 weeks --premature , during this time i had headaches, pain around sinuses, eyes stomach issues etc. didnt know it then but that was stress with anxiety. i was taking decongestants and allergy meds none helped. if only i knew ! another thing ive learned if you have any health issues like old injuries and yes sinus issues etc the anxiety magnifys it!
hang in there!!!