St Johns wort
Posted , 5 users are following.
Has anyone tried St JW for menopause symptoms?
Any good?
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Has anyone tried St JW for menopause symptoms?
Any good?
0 likes, 6 replies
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annieschaefer Yellow88
I tried it several years back to see if it would help lift my moods, wish it had done something but after a few months with no results, I stopped taking it. Doesn't mean it may not work for you, everyone is different. Worth a try.
ImagineOneDay Yellow88
Hi , I used a black cohosh & st John's worth combination from a high street health food store. But after a few months I had extreme pain on my abdomen and all sorts of problems. Ended up in A&E. I am not saying the pill caused it. But I stopped it immediately after reading the side effects inside the pill while I was wondering what has given me so much pain and I ended up in A&E first time in my life. I am.not sure if it is coincident but i feel better now. I feel one should be very careful using these so called herbal remedies. It may work for some and make others worse. I would suggest think twice even before taking any vitamins. All these have side effects if they are used when body does not really need it. I feel sad that we do not get enough support and advice from GPs that we end up trying all sort of things ourselves. Good luck everyone.
Takingtime Yellow88
ImagineOneDay Takingtime
I absolutely agree. That's what I exactly meant to say to all ladies. If possible get professional or expert advise before taking anything. Having said that I am taking B complex, magnesium, omega since I feel helpless & hopeless with my GP.
Sochima822 Yellow88
Yes, I took it, and it worked wonders on me to get back to work. It took away my palpitations and my anxiety. However, I only took it when I felt I needed it, not as an ongoing thing. I would take it for 2-3 days at a time until my symptoms would subside and no they didn't come back. It gave me energy and helped balance my focus such that I was able to go back to work. If you are on high blood pressure medicine you cannot take SJW. I was told by a nurse of DIM is good for balancing hormones, but I also tried Maca which is excellent for hot flushes.
Thank you for all your comments. I'm struggling with feeling low at the moment and with low energy. Apart from the menopause I am struggling with a stressful situtation in my life. I don't know if the menopause is making me less able to cope with my stress or it's the stress that is making me less able to cope with menopause!
I did take STW many years ago for a short while and I think it did help then but my stomach is SO sensitive to everything. Ive always had a delicate digestion so I'm so cautious about taking ANYTHING. Maybe I will try just taking is as and when as you suggest Sochima.