Stable dose for 1 month but still have brain fog and increased anxiety

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Hi everyone,

My PD prescribed me 37.5mg mirtazapine, towards the end of July this year, which I was on for a few weeks. I found it totally intolerable though, and decided to taper down myself.

I probably tapered too fast, and cut 7.5mg per week, until I was on my current dose of 15mg.

I've been on 15mg for one month now. I've felt the withdrawal effects strongly, and they still don't seem to be going away.

I had extreme anxiety last week. Last week, I drunk alcohol a few times, and I had pretty severe brain fog afterwards, which is still continuing.

I've decided to completely avoid alcohol for a while, but I don't know whether to remain at my dose of 15mg or to continue to taper down. Part of me wants to taper until I'm completely off this medication, but I'm worried the withdrawal symptoms will be bad again.

Any advice?


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nick,you did cut your dose fairly drastically so that's why you're having the bad withdrawal,s however seeing as you have got this far I think you should stay on 15mg until everything settles down a bit (and it will).in the meantime could you take a diazepam to ease things? Don't try to reduce further at the moment and when you do decide reduce very slowly eg.15mgs 5days a week and 7.5 two days,sort of every second day cutting down slowly,anyway go back to your g.p.and make clear you don't want to take Mirtazapine and instead ask for something different,there are plenty of other antidepressants/anxiety drugs out there,Good Luck!

    • Posted

      Great, thanks for the reply April. 

      I think I'll stick with the 15mg for a while.

      Even though I'm from the UK, I'm unfortunately living on the other side of the world at the moment, and the PDs here have a slightly different approach to mental health treatment. 

      I'll see if I can request some diazepam though.



    • Posted

      Hi April

      From your experience does 7.5 works or 15 is better. Thank you

  • Posted

    I started on 15 mg for a week. I was anxious and had anxiety just yesterday I went down to 7.5 and I feel so dizzy. Do you feel dizzy. PLEASE let me,know.


    • Posted

      Hi Ana,

      I haven't been feeling dizzy actually, just a lot of brain fog that's been made worse by drinking alcohol. 

      I went to a cafe the other day, and tried to push open a long pane of glass as I thought it was a door. It was pretty embarrassing!

    • Posted

      Sorry to bug you again. Do you feel anxious or have heart palpitations. Thank you

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