Staley and onternal tremor
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I'm so so depleted from all of this. I don't know what to do. When I think Im feeling better than im back to these symptoms again. For the past few weeks it's been my heart palps, air hunger , chest discomfort, and digestion.
The digestion it seem to be getting better slowly except I have no appetite. I've been waking up being nervous and soon as I wake my heart starts thumping really hard and feel so shaky like my whole body is shaky inside and out. To make it worse I get a early morning phone call waking me to say my nephew was shot 3 times. My body and mind is already overloaded..been crying out to God. I feel so weak, depleted and helpless.
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Guest mary27278
Mary, you need to keep reminding yourself that it's your hormones causing this and it will pass. Let those waves pass, say to yourself that you know what they are, and it's normal, and you will be OK.
So sorry about your nephew, that's just awful! Did he survive?
mary27278 Guest
thanks Suzanne. yes he did survive but he got shot 4 times not 3. Yes im trying to remind myself that it's hormones. thank you.
Eliaimee1970 mary27278
hi Mary
im so sorry about your nephew . keep praying i get it better . we are here
mary27278 Eliaimee1970
Thank you for your support.
mel65197 mary27278
Hi Mary - First, I am so very sorry about your nephew! Is he going to be ok? What horrible news for you to wake up to. 😦
Second, you are describing exactly my symptoms. The heart palpitations (constantly), the shakiness, chest discomfort, all of it. I also get stomach issues. Not really intestinal/gut problems, but more stomach pain and nausea. It makes me not want to eat too. Are you getting headaches as well? Those sometimes come with my stomach pain. Or just a feeling of fullness/pressure in my head.
I hope that you, like me get occasional breaks in the bad symptoms and can enjoy things for a bit - until they return. I keep telling me that I have to live my life the best I can despite the symptoms. It's not always easy, but sometimes I just press on and make the best of it. And sometimes I don't! Like today. I am on the couch doing nothing because I feel lousy.
Sending you support!
mary27278 mel65197
Thank you for your support. I just want to sleep it all off but so very hard to sleep. My body is so wired up. Things seem to calm down late evening. But daytime is pretty rough.
juanita93228 mary27278
Prayers 🙏 for your nephew. I hope he makes a full recovery (I'm assuming he's still alive since you didn't say he had passed). Keep crying out to God, he does hear you, I know that for a fact.
Just take it one day at a time that's all you can do. If you start looking to far ahead it drives you mad. Big hugs.🙏🤗
Ella23ps mary27278
I am sending you and your nephew lots of prayers. 4-7-8 breathing helps a lot. Stress is the last thing you need so try really hard not to let what stress you have turn into a horrible monster and get out of control. Remember accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be. The Lord knows what He is doing and He knows just what you need. The serenity prayer below is a great prayer to say and remember.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
jamie37119 mary27278
Yes its your hormones, it is also anxiety, it would not help you going through concerns such as this with your nephew. I am glad he is doing ok. Poor darling but remember to take it easy for a bit. I swear, shock, grief etc triggers our symptoms all over again x