Start of menopause?
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Hi there, I'm 45 years old and I've had regular periods that last 4 days ever since I was 12. I'm a little concerned this month as I usually have a heavy flow but this month it was light and lasted 48 hrs, I also have very dry skin, cravings like you wouldn't believe, (I am definitely not pregnant) mood swings, hardly sleeping and the odd feeling of being hot, especially at night in bed (still using a summer quilt and throwing it off from time to time). Im just wondering if these are signs of menopause? Thanks in advance.
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samantha42264 trudy20036
Yes, that's got to be perimenopse
trudy20036 samantha42264
Thank you for answering! I thought so, but I wasn't too sure as I'm younger than my sister and mother was when they started.
samantha42264 trudy20036
Im 46 and it all started at 40, I still have my period very regularly, some months it's easy going, sometimes the pms is horrible. I started the night sweats at 40 but never clued in what it was for a couple of years. The only thing I find bad is the mood swings, it's like I never know who Im going to wake up as each day....
I think some of it can go by family history but I think some of it goes by how stressful our lives are. Im a single mom, so I think that caused my hormones to go wonky early. My mom passed 6 years ago, so I can't ask her, but I only remember her complaining about night sweats...and once she got mad and threw a plate at my dad (this wasn't her regular demeaner, so Im asuming she was having a mood swing). My mom only really worked for extra money and my dad took care of pretty much all the main household finance things, and kept up kids in line so she didnt have the weight on her shoulders like a lot of us do, so I dont think she got hit as bad. I know her periods stopped at 52, so my guess is I have about 6 years of this left. My grandmother swears she had no problems, but I question that, as I kid I remember she was negative a lot, she probably just never put it together.
Anyways, welcome to the club
the woman on here are great for when you think you are totally loosing it and can't talk to anyone else....before I found out other woman are going through the exact same feelings I was scared.
kelle34850 trudy20036
Yep! My first symptom was my cycle became closer together (used to be 32 days now 27/28 days) and some months my actual period would only last a 48 hours! Then the sleep disturbances started and the night sweats. All this started at age 40 for me. My older sister started some mild symptoms in her early 40s but didn't really get going until 45/46. I think we start declining in hormones as we transition from our child bearing years to not being fertile any longer. Our bodies are just adjusting to less hormones. It's not what I expected at all but I just enjoy the good days and get through the bad ones! And I praise the Lord for all his blessings because k could certainly be a lot worse!! Good luck friend! This is a wonderful forum of ladies!!!!
karen60759 kelle34850
kelle34850 karen60759
Hey Karen,
I have actually had more good days lately than bad ones. I am not taking any hormones at all right now. I figured I'll waiting for if things get bad again. Since I have been feeling better I am paranoid to take anything. Even vitamins make me nervous now. I keep praying that I'll just keep improving. I am trying to just enjoy the good days! Thanks for asking. I am glad you had a few good days. That is disappointing that the pill didn't help. Maybe your body can adjust to the new level of hormones and I hope you can feel better!!