Start of week 6 and still feeling the same 😢 reassurance plz

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Today I start week six of sertraline and day 15 of increased dosage of 150mg. Im still so anxious and depressed, I still have nausea,dizziness,depersonalation.

I need reassurance please. As I feel like completely giving up.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi most of the systems you said will  definitely pass I'm on 200mg and as with yourself still suffer 'with the  depersonalisation/derealisation and have done for the past 10months but this also could be related to a side effect from being on sertraline

    so in time this should also pass . I'm slowly tapering down on mine to see if it goes        

  • Posted

    I'm on 7 weeks of 100mgs and feel the same

    • Posted

      it can be a nightmare at times one thing people have to understand is

      knowledge is true power and by that I mean when you do understand things and why it happens that gives you the tools to deal with anxiety and panic attacks so reading a lot for example on this forum has been a great help to myself then you do get a better understanding so if you have been sent by your GP say for ecg etc and it comes back ok then you have to believe that and move on very important you also have to believe in yourself the only thing you have to fear is fear itself and that is under our control no one else it's all about taking back control believing in yourself being positive from there you can deal with this and anything life throw at us           

  • Posted

    keep going guys, u are doing really well so try to feel proud even though it's not easy amongst that annoying depression and anxiety..  get to around 10 weeks into the treatment so sertraline has plenty of time to work on you, and then assess whether you are feeling better, and if so, by how much (eg. 20% better, or 50% better, or 100% better) ... then you can adjust your sertraline dose if necessary (or continue on your current dose and monitor each week your progress..

    t doesn't matter if it is slow progress, the important thing is that it is 'progress'.     ...  if not having any success at all with sertraline, can consider switching to another med.. or adding something along with sertraline to help your recovery (try not to worry, it really is only a matter of time before you are feeling well again and can start moving forward and living again)..

    he important thing is to keep going, and remember that depression and anxiety isn't actually 'you', it's just something you have at the moment which you are working on to ged rid of, and the fact that you wont give up, means it wont win.  it's only a lifelong illness when you don't to anything about it to tackle it.

    nobody on this forum is in that category, we are all here to get well, and we all will get well once we find the right solution for us, and add time for recovery (and there's a solution for everyone, and we have plenty of time).

  • Posted

    i wish posts could be edited so i could fix the spelling and grammar mistakes smile  (this must be the only forum in the world where you cant edit your posts!)

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