Started 4days ago on Sertraline. And struggling

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 I was on prozac40mg for 13yrs and they stopped working had no side effects with them. But Dr move me on to Mirtazapine45mg and they didn't do anything for me so 4day ago I was then put on Sertraline I'm hoping they will work. So hoping by end of next week I will see a difference. I know all ppl are different but when did you feel they were working. I've also booked my self in for cancelling and that's not til 31st Oct 2017 I feel it's going to take a while until I feel my self again. I'm off work out moment cause I couldn't even work I just want to be well.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Clem I think of you trawl through this forum the advice is so comforting and accurate. I'm on day 11 of sertraline 50mg and am starting to feel a slight shift in mood .... I think it's true that you do feel worse before feeling better though. I would say 3 to 4 weeks for any significant change. Keep posting here though if you need support. . Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Ty so much Maria. It's not nice feeling I will hold in there. I feel rotten. Did you find sleeping is hard to. I cant wait to get to day 11. So happy you are finding some comfort Maria, its a long rd and i cant wait to reach the bottom of it. Kind regards

    • Posted

      Hi Clem yes sleeping also a problem. To be honest I was a mess last week... I've only had this slight change in mood today. I'm not working anyway but all I had the motivation to do is move from my bed... often past midday ... to the sofa and literally sit and watch TV all day. It's a horrible desperate situation to be in with depression that's why this forum is so good because unless you have sufferred with depression or severe anxiety, you can't really understand how bad it is. My advice would be to be kind to yourself. .. if you don't feel able to see people or do much, then don't until you feel able because if you force yourself, like I have in the past, it makes you feel worse ~ well it did me anyway. Take care of you. Kind regards and keep posting x

    • Posted

      How are you feeling today Clem? Any better? I seem to have the worst problems in the morning... I wake up and just don't want to get out of bed and face the day. Can't wait to feel better.'s a struggle every day

  • Posted

    Hi im on setraline 7 years and back in may i reduced them from 150 to 100mg because i felt good but early september i went downhill again so i increased them back up as doctor said to but after nearly 3 weeks my anxiety had settled but my mood was still low so the doc upped it to 200mg and the last nearly week i have had really good days then today just feel horrible is this normal
    • Posted

      I am in the same boat Jen.  Been on Zoloft for almost 10 years.  Went down from 150mg to 100mg,  was great for 3 mos,  then had some bad panic attacks and increased back up to 150mg.   I am on day 12? I think.   Increasing back up has been a nightmare and a half.  Can't wait for everything to settle in and for life to get back the way it was.

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