Started at 12.5mg- advice please

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So long story short, I’ve suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for the last 3 years. I was on sertraline when it all started the first time and felt so much better that I came off it a year later. Unfortunately my anxiety and panic attacks returned worse than before. The GP said to start sertraline again which I’ve done- I’m now 5 days in of taking 12.5mg. Thought I’d start low as last time I had horrendous side effects. They have also prescribed me some 2mg diazepam. 

From weds I am going to increase up to 25mg- has anyone had any experience with this? Last time I couldn’t sleep but this time with 12.5 I can! Worried that when I increase the insomnia will start. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm thinking of starting again, as blooming panic is back and appetite gone, but I'm scared, really scared, so I want to follow this thread, also have you had increased anxiety on 12.5mg? Is that a quarter of a 50mg tablet?

    • Posted

      I was really scared too but it hasn’t been too bad. I have had increased anxiety but it’s managable. Day 3 was the worst day for me and I took 2mg diazepam to help supplied by the GP and that helped so much. For now at least I’m still sleeping, appetite isn’t great but not too bad. Jaw a bit  clenched but I can deal with that. No other side effects as yet. Yes it is a quarter of a 50mg tablet. X
    • Posted

      Thank you sooo much for responding to me I really appreciate it., how long will you stay on 12.5mg? Do you think?
    • Posted

      No problem lovely!

      I will go up to 25mg tomorrow which will be day 6 as I feel like I need to crack on and get it over and done with! 

  • Posted


    I’m on Prozac 40mg it’s not working at all...I was on sertraline before but just stopped taking it I’m wondering now if I should go back on it I think it worked better than Prozac I’m so confused x

  • Posted

    Hi Gemma,

    You sound similar to me, I have just started back on Sertraline after coming off it just under a year ago but my anxiety came back. The side effects are still awful but the second time round, because you have experienced it before it’s easier. Last time I was all over the place but now I just stay calm and try and ride it out. Best of luck to you x

    • Posted

      That's helpful to know.

      What mg are you starting on? Plz.let me know how you get on, how far into it are you?

    • Posted

      I’m 3.5 weeks in, 8 days on 25mg, 13 days on 50mg and 5 days on 100mg. The side effects have still been bad but my anxiety isn’t as bad as last time as I’m not panicking when I get each of the side effects as I have experienced them before so know what to expect. They are still horrible though, my head has felt like it’s going to burst all day! 
    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      Thanks for the reply- I think you’re right because we have experienced them before it’s definitely not as scary this time around. Best of luck to you too! Hope you start to feel better soon xx

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