started bleeding after year without period , age 53

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I am really worried started period after year without, went to gp and have to go for ultrasound, and blood tests, really scared it's something serious I am 53, thought they had stopped for good, 

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    dont worry hun, but do mention to the doctor... I have been in peri for 10 years, and will be one year next month no periods.. ( assumed full meno after 12 months no period) but thats a guess an average only... not set in stone, every lady different and some other ladies have said they have had the odd period after 12 months, so dont worry about it.. it does happen, keep a diary, etc, and mention to the doc... if your on HRT maybe that needs looking at again, or its just a blip.. Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi jay, I am new to this site, but your comments have helped me already, it's nice to know I am not alone with this, thanks, ladies xx

  • Posted

    susan81669, that happened to a friend of mine. She thought she was done after not having a period for a year and then suddenly she got it. I don't think anything was wrong though. I haven't hit that point yet where I've gone a year. This past year I have skipped a few months and my periods are always late now but otherwise still getting it.
  • Posted

    Hi all, well I went for my ultrasound on Tuesday which I was told was fine no sign of fibroids or cysts, then this morning doctors called me and told me I had to be seen today, which sent me into a panic, my doctor has told me I have thickening of the lining or the womb and need further tests asap and will have a diagnosis within two weeks, I am so scared I have cancer and I am not coping at all. :-( I suffer from bad anxiety too don't know how to deal with all this, 
    • Posted

      I have heard this isn't all that unusual, and as long as you have been having annual exams, you should be ok. Prayers for you.?i know about bad anxiety, do you have meds for it? That's the only way I cope when I have issues that scare me.

  • Posted

    That happened to me when I was 55. I started to have a period after not having anything after two years. I was on the HRT around age 40 sooo

    My GYN ck me and cauterized some growth on cervix. Been fine till one yr ago had like period so she said time to quit HRT.

    my body couldn't handle it. Frequent sweats, cold chills, so after 7 months of bein off them I am on HRT again low dosage. I am 61 and this is no fun! Sweats better

    but not all gone. She is worried about Cancer by staying on them. So For now

    its better than before...

    • Posted

      Does anybody going thru perimenopause have like sores on their private area? I get them during my pms time and they stay till after period and then go away again. Man, I sound like a needy, paranoid hypochondriac, but what I really am is scared and hurting!
  • Posted

    I had the same last month and I'm 52.  I hadn't had a period since November last year.  My gynecologist said he had never heard of this.  I had an ultrasound of my uterus and a biopsy following that because my uterus was raised.  I will get the results by next Thursday.  

    • Posted

      I hope everything is ok. I think it's pretty normal, and I seem to be so abnormal with all my stuff that it's the norm for me lots of times. But it always scares me, and I have anxiety too, I can really work myself into a tizzy! I do it a lot. I hate it. These cramps though are making me want to go to ER. Nothing is even calming them.

  • Posted

    Hi I have just started bleeding after a year without anything have sore boobs and period pains . I have rung my Doctor for a appointment just waiting for him to ring me back.

    Is this normal as I am panicking .

  • Posted

    I too had a similar experience, I had went 6 months no period, then had a bad one, which I always did since 12, and then I went a year and had another bad one, my Dr said it was normal. Now I am 51 and haven't had a period for few years, I have hot flashes, can't sleep well, headaches, nauseous to the point of getting sick, pain all over, can't figure out if it's one of the 3 arthritis I have? Pain is worsening, no energy, have thyroid issues but I don't think that is the problem, I cry, get angry, very forgetful, light headed, dizziness, alot of weird thgs going on. I am looking forward to menopause being over, or at least some of the symptoms to go away. I hope this helps 😎

    • Posted

      It does. It lets me know I'm not crazy. I also still have all of those symptoms. Insomnia is awful. My last round with it was over 80 hours awake, which I didn't even know was possible. I slept finally just by being exhausted. Thank you.

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