Started generic effexor may 2nd

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Hi there. I restarted generic effexor in May after two years of trying Bupropion and Celexa. They just didnt work. I'm inly on 37.5 mg's of Venlafaxine and i'm not sure its working and may need to boost it up. My brain seems to be experiencing the zaps and I just dont feel right mentally. Anyone have any ideas????!!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi John,

    37.5 mg is a very low dose - I'm no expert but if you read the posts on here you'll see that most people start on 70mg per day and then increase slowly - I was on 70mg per day initially, and increased to 150mg per day after three weeks (slow release - much easier to cope with the side effects for me) Last time I suffered anxiety and depression I was on 225mg per day. Add to that the fact that it doesn't start to be effective for 6 - 8 weeks anyway, and I'm not surprised that you find it doesn't seem to be helping yet. The side effects can be pretty bad at first - "brain zaps" describes it pretty well, also it can (and in my case did) make the anxiety and depression worse for a couple of weeks - every time you up the dose - that's why it's best to start on a low dose and gradually build up. Stick with it though, it's tough at first but keep reminding yourself that it DOES get better and it is a very effective drug at the right dose. Wait until the side effects lessen maybe, then see your doctor and get the dose up.

    good luck,


    • Posted

      Hi Mike. Tks for the reply. I was on V for 7 yrs but 2 yrs ago I just felt really crappy and thought it stopped working. My doc at the time double the dose to 150mg's and wanted to see me in 2 weeks. I felt horrible so he changed my meds to Bupropion and then Celexa. They both were bad. I was torall off AD's fo 10 weeks but I felt horrible. I exercise vigourisly fo 2 hrs a day but that didnt help so my doc suggested i go back on V but at 37.5 mg's. I have been on that dose for 10 weeks. I dont feel real horrible but I have felt a lot better also. I'm going to see my doc on the 25th if Jul and see what she says about doubling the dose to 70 mg's. Hopefully it works for me once again cause I did feel really good at that dose before.

    • Posted

      Hi John - slight error in my post, not that it matters really - should have said 75mg per day not 70mg - 2 x 37.5mg - and don't forget to ask about nodified release, I'm sure it helped me with the side effects.

    • Posted

      Hi Mike

      Gonna speak to the Doc about upping the dosage to 75 mg's. It worked before so I hope it will work again!!! Gonna try incorporating meds, exercise and nutrition. I have everything to gain at this pount. Enjoy your day

  • Posted

    Hi John I had a bad depression about 4 years ago triggered by a life event it took a couple of months to get started. I was on 75mg dose and remained on this. I got the "brain zaps" when I was withdrawing back to 37.5 mg I reckon you are on the right track

    • Posted

      Hi Patricia. I sure hope I'm on the right track. I have been going through this for the last 2 yrs and its taxingbon the brain. Just want to find that happy medium and enjoy life!!!!! Thank god for exercise too.

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