Started mirt 15mg last night

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Hi, I was o Serttroline and Citalopram 2 years agr, and came of them after 4 months because i did not like the feeling of being in a vacuum that they gave me.

However, was at Doctors ,because of headaches, did the blood tests, all normal, but my head just does not feel right, have fuzzy feling, headache in temples, earache . Doc said headaches were caused by stress, I have no concentration, my work is suffering, and if not working am lying on top of my bed all day, with no noise .

Doc started me on Miirtazapine 15mg, last night, and i would like to know if they will give me the same feeling of being ina vacuum and lightheadedness and the general feeling of not being there that the last meds gave me, must say that not had too great a day today

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    At first they can be very sedating I'm not going to lie but it does pass and I don't have the sedation feeling anymore the more sedating at lower doses aswell. I find I just feel normal on them now all the sides have passed and the only one that's really stayed is I find I get ill more then usual with colds/flu I've had 2 since March and another coming on. normally I'd only get one a year. But mirth is known to make it easier for you to catch things which I seemed to have got but not everyone dose. I guess all you can do is try it as it is different for everyone but everyone will tell you the first tablet and next day is rough but it gets easier very fast xx
    • Posted

      Thanks Lauren, feel yucky today, and very dizzy, disorientated tonight, so hope it passes. Dont like the sound of picking up more infections as i work in the Assessment unit where all new patients come into, and i am the first person they see. My stress is all work related, but that is what working on the NHS does for you


    • Posted

      Yes oh I remember the first one I felt like I was on a ship in bad waves it does pass believe me in fact 2moz night you will see the difference enjoy the sleep tonight you will crash and it will be the best. Tbh the whole being more sick side is very rare I'm super sensitive to meds and I get the rare sides I also got the manic side off mirt for like 2 days that was fun lol every time I have an increase but they are super super rare like 1 in 10 000 I'm just the one lucky me not lol. So you should be fine. You might get restless leg that's common and the urge to eat the whole kitchen but they pass quickly too. Just ignore the food cravings as people tend to give in and put weight on and scream it's all the tablets fault. Me I had grapes and nuts on my at all times to get me through that stage and didn't put a pound on wink xx
    • Posted

      Hi I am on bed 2 days in with anxiety and feel vague would appreciate reply
    • Posted

      Hi Mark, sorry things aren't going too well just now, know that feeling well, like you are in a vacuum, are you on any meds? and are you taking them regularly?

      Don't know your circumstances, but if it gets worse see, your doc, or your CPN if you have one, if not reack out to others for help and a chat

  • Posted

    Hey Iain, yes it's best to take them about an hour to an hour and a half before bed. You will certainly get a good nights sleep on them. For the first week or so you may wake up feeling groggy but that passes. 

    I've been on them maybe 2 or 3 months now and the sedative effects have pretty much worn off, other than them knocking me out every night which i really liked as I always had trouble sleeping i'm not sure that I feel anything more off them side effects wise, my mood improved very slightly but apart from that i have noticed nothing else. 15mg is the worst for the sedative effects, i'm on 30 now and only get it very very mildly.

    I haven't found personally though that I get ill any more than normal. I very rarely get ill unless self inflicted wink :P

    Give them a go and see how it is for me. I welcomed the sedative effects so was happy to take them each evening....other from that i really, sitting here can't notice anything else from them. I'm coming off venlafaxine at the moment and i think the mirt has helped massively with that. I will be completely of the ven in 4 days. Thats only a 16 day total withdraw plan....instead of the 8 months I have read people say it took them.

    Not sure i've helped much in this post but I do hope you do get something from it.

    Just keep the faith, give it a go and see how you fare.

    Good luck with it =)

  • Posted

    Oh yes i forgot, you get the munchies bad and restless legs it seems when you get in bed. Thats why i said to try and take it an hour or two before you get in bed. tbh though, in the early days of being on mirt as soon as they kick in your body will tell you its bed time lol. Enjoy the great sleep and crazy good dreams you are going to have. so vivid! I do lots of flying haha
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      TThanks for the info Schizz, will try my best, good luck with the withdrawal plan., Hoping to lose weight, so not impressedwith the munchies bit lol
  • Posted

    3rd night, felt I could only handle 15mg, took at 9, slept 11pm. Dreamt some pretty awful stull,(parent kicking me out & Stuff). Feel vague this morning. Nervious and anxious. Docs, i hope this is all worth it to get off diazapam and sertraline. I feel like I have no life what so ever, they tell me as I was on sertraling and D so long its not helping me, I am hopeing the change will help.

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