Started progesterone pill and two days later feel like I am dying

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At the end of my tether, my GP has given my Otluvan - progestone only pill, stating there was no risk and no side effects.  After two days, I feel awful, with really sore breasts, as sore as before! and really whoozy and dizzy with palpatations.  I don't think I should continue.

Any thoughts or experiences much appreciated!



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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Joanna ,sorry to hear that you feel so dreadful ,unfortunately I do not have any experience of this but would suggest you read the information leaflet that should be enclosed in the packet and see if any of the symptoms you describe are listed ! I was prescribed the combination HRT and when I read the list of possible side effects it frightened me so much that I decided not to take them ,although I might be reviewing this decision shortly ! I am doubtful that there are NO side effects with the progesterone only HRT ,there seems to be possible side effects with all medicines , maybe it is only temporary and your body just needs more time to adjust ! Good luck hope you find the answers you seek ! 
  • Posted

    Hi joanna

    Sorry if this looks like I'm stating the obvious, but have you had blood tests and did they show your hormones levels - particularly P - to be low?  I only ask, as I'm of the opinion that certain symptoms are synonymous with either P or Oe depletion. 

    I'm not take HRT at the mo, but won't rule it out for the future.  I'm starting up a second trial of Bioidentical Progesterone Cream as after reading the gen on their site, I thought my particular symptoms might be helped by this.

    Had a few mths break and started again on 1 Jan. Don't know if its coincidence, but that day I started bleeding......for another 12 days, having already had a P all over Xmas. 19 days of blob.  Hateful! 

    Now my cycle that came like clockwork has been thrown out and has made tomorrow my new Day 14.  Trouble is, I've been feeling in a really good mood since I stopped bleeding, and I'm not sure if I want to start back with the Cream tomorrow, just incase it brings on a bleed again!!  Decisions. Decisions.

    Getting off of me:  I'd advise you, as others have, to read the info leaflet with your meds.  And then if you're still not happy, go back to your GP to ask if your experiences are what should be expected. They you can make a decision before you go 'cold turkey'

    Good Luck x

    • Posted

      Hi Shaznay

      I couldn't stick it any longer so stopped and am back to my usual miserable self!  I have decided I would rather just have my own chaotic hormones than any other synthetic ones. 

      Good luck


    • Posted

      Joanna, you poor cow! 

      10 out of 10 for your powers of perseverance.  You have got to go with how it was/not working for you, no point feeling worse for taking them, aye?

      The impression I'm given is that loads of women have to try a number of different types/doses of HRT to get something that sorta suits them. Whether you fancy doing that is another thing, especially after this rotten episode! 

      Note that I say all this even though I've only been to my Nurse Pract'r once, said I'd uncharacteristically had a bawl at 'Don't tell the Bride' and was promptly given some SSRIs to 'trial'  (which weren't and won't be)frown!! and haven't even talked about anything remotely 'HRT-related'

      yet. Actually got the impression she was trying to put me off as she was just focussing on deferring symptoms.  Truth is, if I felt I'd get a better deal blob-wise, and my aching joints became more bearable, I'd try them like a shot. And if I thought I might feel a bit fruity now and then: result! (Let's just say the only aspect of '50 Shades of Grey' in my house at the mo are my Bridget Jones drawers!!)

      i was giving it till the end of Feb to see how things pan out, and then I'd go back and see her  to actually talk about HRT.

      My Xmas/NY extended P threw me completely. uncharacteristically good mood continues, and I did not get to start back on the Progesterone Cream on my new 'Day 14' I got the telltale signs that I'm going to get a full-blown P now! 

      TBH, if I continue to feel this good after a bleed, then I'll risk it for a biscuit and go it alone for as long as I can.  I just don't want to be aching like a 90yr old!

      Hope you're starting to feel better now that you've stopped.  I think you were very brave to last as long as you did!



  • Posted

    No matter what is said about no side affects your clearly suffering from some form, it has to be what your dr. prescribed as you were ok till you started taking these. As suggested read the enclosed leaflet.  thing is everything has side affects and some even worse than what you had in the first place for them to be subscribed them in the first place.
    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      Have stopped and am just going to work my way through all this with good food, exercise and some natural supplements.  Better the devil you know!


  • Posted

    I've been looking all over the internet and it seems that loads of people have a tough time on norethisterone (Utlovan and Primolut). I've only ever taken it (without side effects) for a few days to delay a period but have just started it to stop horrendous bleeding. It's only day 2 and so far feel fine but am aware that may change.

    Do go talk to your doctor. I also got the "no side effects" line but we all know that people react differently to different chemicals.

  • Posted

    Hi Jo

    I was prescibed norethisterone to stop a period which had been going on for months - heavy, light spotting and back to heavy. Anyway i felt exactly the same as you- so dizzy and my heart was banging - it was horrible! My lips felt fuzzy and i was sure i sounded a bit drunk!! I remember being at work and thinking i really don't know what im saying here! I nearly passed out in a shop and felt really poorly on it. I know some women swear by it but believe me i swore at it!! I took it for 7 days then i had the period from hell! Ah happy days eh? Hope that makes you feel better! I was 42 then im 44 now & things aren't much better!! xx


    • Posted

      Am now 5 days in and not a happy bunny. 

      Fuzzy lips: yes! 

      One excruciatingly sore breast. Just the one. 

      But at least I'm no longer bleeding from here, there and places I don't want to talk about. :-) 

      I'll stick with it for 2 more weeks, just to get through a colposcopy, then back to the gp. 

      At almost 54, this has to end soon. Right? Please...

    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing your story too.  I am 49 on Tuesday so I am hoping after a year and half of this, I must be maybe halfway through!!


  • Posted

    I remember when i returned to my GP with the same problem a year later he asked if i wanted some Otluvan. Imagine his surprise when i told him i'd rather boil my head than take that stuff again!! Honestly I bet your GP is a bloke. Fancy saying that there are NO side effects- how irresponsible!! No wonder you were worried. Also i find im really good at bringing on a mini panic attack when i get strange side effects as you describe. Ive just been given Loestrin20 and Im back to experiencing some side effects almost as soon as i swallow the flipping thing! Learning to live with it - thats what ive decided to do. Im still bleeding so when i go to the loo now i just sing HI HO panty liners, everywhere i go... Keep smiling!! xx


    • Posted

      luvteacakes - You sound my kind of gal!!  

      Your GP was probably gutted:  he's probably getting a backhander to push Otluvan from the Pharmaceutic Co - or screwing the Rep!!!!twisted!!

      'Hi Ho'.... me likey, very funny!

      My motto:  If You don't Laugh, You'll Cry' !!  Know what I prefer.

      S x

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