Started taking Citalopram 3 days ago

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Hey , i have just been put on citalopram 3 days ago on 20 mg. Im so tired and have not left my bed in the past 3 days. My head feels weird and i do feel really sick till round the afternoon. Im thinking of taking the tablet before bed see if that makes any difference as i might sleep through it. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms ? Will this actually work , i know it doesnt work straight off but will i start to feel better in time ?

I have zero energy , i feel constantly down , i hate leaving the house and i have shut myself of from the outside world. I have lost my friends but that was through my friend who went out to ruin my life and turned everyone against me. I really hope these tablets will help me get back to the person i was. Im going to start the gym once im more confident and have controlled my anxiety. Just hate feeling like this

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64 Replies

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    There are quite a lot of side effects to Citalopram hence why I think there is a whole forum about it. Maybe ask your doctor about taking a lower dose say 10mg, (this is what I was on) then gradually build up from there smile 
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      Thank you for reply , worse today so im going to go back to docs on monday and see if i can be put on a lower dose. x x


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    tas89.  Stop taking this drug for heaven's sad tas. It clearly does not suit you! It is having an adverse effect upon your brain and you see for yourself what it is doing. I wrote elsewhere on here how shocked I am at people being given anti-depressants in the UK by GP's. These are medicaments that can only be prescribed by specialists in other countries. They are forms of narcotics. Acting upon your brain, and not suiting you, the effects are devastating to your brain and you describe exactly the same reactions I had to Tramadol! I didnt know where I was. My head reeled, I had nausea for several hours, unable to throw up as I hadn't eaten. I was dizzy and falling about the place. In short: my brain was telling me this medication was not suited to me! It is good you write on here as you will be communicating by others who have had the same reactions! It is far better to be in touch with users instead of prescribers! Citalopram does not suit you!  End of! When I had these reactions I knew the medication was contraindicated for ME. We are not all the same. Try your very best to get over your disappointments with friends. THINK POSITIVE. They were wrong and not you. The world is packed with people out to harm each one of us and we have to take strength to ignore them and get on with our lives. You WILL go back to the person you were, with time. Meantime don't fill that with medication. Get out and about. This world also belongs to you! Forget those who did you harm. There are thousands out there who did not want to bring you down. They are still out there! Many are on this forum. You hate feeling the way you are you say. Well DO something about this. Take heart, laugh at them. Get to that gym and give it all you have. Talk to others but not about your chagrin! Get your confidence back by mixing with a new set of people. And keep writing on here. Getting your problems off your back by writing about them is far better than keeping them inside and allowing them to fester! You know this is true. Get back to the person you once were and the first thing to do is to sling the Citalopram down the loo! You don't need medication, you need people!  And here we are. Get off to that gym without procrastinating about it. Once you are there you are out! Once you are out, you are going to meet people. With people in your life you have friends.  Already you have many on this forum! Gym is excellent for you as physical movement is the best thing for depression and blows away the anxieties. Get out your running shoes and your shorts and GO.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply it really means alot smile I'm going to go to the doctors and ask for a lower dose. If i could just go out to the gym and make new friends i really would do it. But the thought really sets me off , i have been feeling down for so long now. And i know i should be grateful for the life i do have and i am. I feel terrible moaning about the way i am when theres people worse of who cant even do the things i can do. I have tryed so hard to do things , but then i just fall of track so easy and shut myself off. I have got a counselor to talk to which will start in a few weeks so that should help to. As there is another under lying issue that i havent quite dealt with. I really love your drive and positive out look on live though. And i am going to do something about this i promise , i just think i need a little help just to get me out of this rutt. But i will contact the doctors and talked to them first thing monday morning tell them how im feeling and that. Thank you so much x x


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      Tas: People are do very different. I like to remain positive in life and never forget others are far worse off. I find that helps. 10mg of Cital is lowest dose and no doctor should put you straight away on 20mg.  It seems doctors in UK are turning many into addicts! When I went to pharmacy for Fentanyl my name was entered into the pharmacy register! No way would my doctor put me on anything but the minimum dosage. I thought only Specialists could prescribe narcotics? I must have been mistaken. There is a cult now that doctors fear the patient won't go back to them if they haven't prescribed something! Likewise if doctors don't give a prescription, the patient says they are no good as gave them nothing! People are all different and one man's chalk is another man's cheese! Likewise I believe there are two types of people;  Those who Eat to Live and Those Who Live to Eat! Why not take yourself out for an evening meal? I find this snaps me out of any sort of depression. But then I enjoy eating. It keeps me positive and believing the next meal will be even better than the last! I recommend you laugh more. In the long run that is the best medicine and doesn't cost a dime!  xx
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      Hi mayday35, Citalopram is not a narcotic in any shape or form!


  • Posted

    Hey there, sorry you haven't got on with citalopram. It is early days though and the drug hasnt had time to kick in.  I've been on 20mg for a year now and I too felt really weird for the first day or two - on reflection, I think it was more because I was scared about something altering my mind than a reaction to the medication. I also slept an awful lot and I felt completely empty. I seriously never thought I would get better. Then it kicked in, and I'm much better. Nausea is also a side effect, I never had that though. If it helps, we all have varying degrees of side effects, so don't worry about them. See how you feel tomorrow, if you start to feel better, stick with it. If not, speak to your doctor. 

    As far as dose goes, 10mg is for anxiety and 20mg plus is for depression. If you are quite depressed, it's most probably a good dose to stay on. Again. Talk to your doctor. 

     Hang in there and I hope you start feeling better soon,

  • Posted

    Hey, I was put on them for depression had traumatic year looking after sick dad who passed away end of jan, fights with mum, tore the family apart, did not want to wake up etc etc... However same side effects as you, came off them against my doctor wishes, they are devil drugs! Doing councelling trying to eat properly and sleeping tablets, zopiclone, instead to keep the nightmares away. This suits me much better, if they do not work for you come off them before you have more problems. I decided that feeling that rough and not being able to get up or function, or eat as felt so sick was counter productive. Good luck.
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      Chik07  A very sensible post. We should not be pushing others to take a drug simply because it works for us! If you felt so lousy, I agree that this can be far worse than putting up with depression and being unable to enjoy food. If drugs make you feel bad then they cannot be good for you! This is the very reason there is such a wide choice of them. If the same one was good for us all, there would be no need to research others!
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      And by the same token we shouldn't be telling people to come off. Just because it worked for you, it doesn't mean it works for everyone. Let Tas89 speak to their doctor and find a solution that's best for them.

      Tas89 is in a very tough situation right now and is feeling very delicate, they need support and room to breathe. Stop being so domineering.

    • Posted

      Don't be so hard on mayday we are all in the same boat trying to help, the doctor prescribes these drugs so easily, no need to be so nasty! We are simply sharing our experiences which is what has been asked for. The doctors do not always know best unfortunately otherwise my dad would still be here.
    • Posted

      That's the trouble with forums, disagreement is always perceived as agression. Sorry, it really wasn't my intention to be nasty. I've read other posts and mayday seems a very lovely person, who genuinely cares. But I think on this occassion, mayday is being a little bit domineering. Well intenioned, but domineering.

      Just because medication doesn't work for some people it doesn't mean it won't work for others. By the same token, just because it works for me, it doesn't mean it will work for others. That's what I meant by giving Tas9 room to breathe. Don't push them one way or the other, just tell them your experience and give them the space to work out what's best for them. I just felt that mayday was pushing the non medication route and that's not a route that's suitable for all. I hope that makes sense and clears up any thoughts of nastiness. These forums are such a nightmare at times!


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      Please note we all have the right to express opinions. For your information you write '... because it worked for you...'  Clearly you have not read any of my comments. I have never touched the stuff!
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      I'm confused, in another post on this forum you say that taking medication in the evening is better. Was that based on opinion and not your own experience?

      FYI  - just beause it worked for you in its full context. 'And by the same token we shouldn't be telling people to come off. Just because it worked for you'  meaning just because not taking mediaction worked for you it doesn't mean it will work for others.

    • Posted

      You know what, we're both on here because we're a little mentally imbalanced, we really shouldn't be arguing. You've got your issues and I've got mine. You've got your way of dealing with it and I've got mine. We're not going to agree and that's cool. We're different people with different ways of dealing with the same problem. Again, it wasn't my intention to be nasty and I apologise if you feel I was. Take care and have a good day x smile


    • Posted

      No worries :-) yes they are a nightmare and taken wrong sometimes... Like facebook and texting... Being back the old days of speaking! Maybe not, I like being alone at the moment, poeple annoy me! Hope you ok x
    • Posted

      People have that habit of being annoying don't they! I'm in sales and it does my head in at times. Seriously, stop being so happy people! Lol

      I'm good thanks, I hope you are too. Take care of yourself, big hugs x

    • Posted

      Not sure how you manage that, dealing with people, people think you can snap out of it and be cheerful, really!!, I am never gonna see my dad again, do not expect me to be happy I wanna scream at them, lol. X


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      Yeah, know that feeling! I found out I couldn't have children and I was devastated. When I told my boss I had depression she said, I thought you were over it! Seriously! How can I be 'over it'??

      I am really sorry about your dad, I can't imagine how awful that is. You will move on, the pain will always be there, but you will feel better. It will just take time - lots of time. I found out January 2013 and it took me 18 months to feel relatively normal. I still cry sometimes but I'm over the worst of it. Well, I hope I am! lol x


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      Chik07  Yes I do so agree.  Back To Speaking! However there isn't much hope that will ever happen. Gone are the days of writing letters and sending postcards:  'Wish you were here'... when we were oh so glad to be miles away from them. I spend my time emailing so when the phone does ring I am convinced it's a wrong number! So automatically I get annoyed. If its a nuisance call I am almost rude to them. The days should be mourned when we used to love the phone to ring and a friend on the other end. It seems so far in the past since I used to long for the phone to ring. Now I just feel disappointment when there isn't an email in my box! My biggest laugh is when the Jeremy Kyle programme ends with the words:  BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER!  What a laugh that is.
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      Hed 1066 sounds like you have a boss like I once had. They do not listen to you you know. I was at my desk when mine came looming through the adjoining door. He whined: 'How are you today'?  I said: 'Awful. I have a migraine'.  His reply, as he slipped through the door, was 'Good!'
    • Posted

      Hed no offence taken. We are not both 'imbalanced' however. I have never taken cilopram in my life and am not suffering from anxiety. I joined this discussion when it was still on Fentanyl patches. I use these for the pain created by bone-on-bone grating. The discussion then got mixed up with cilopram! My neighbour has been on an anti-depressant for 20 years so I have witnessed the effects. She is quite zombi-like now. I only take medication for unbearable pain. Anxiety causes another type of pain. Yes of course opinions differ. Knowing what happened to my friend I am naturally concerned others don't go the same way. My doctor told me to take Tramadol bedtimes as the dizziness that can be caused is not felt when asleep and the drug takes time to get a hold. I had to give it up as I was mentally confused on it and drive every day. Now I am on Fentanyl patches and so far so good. Sorry if I confused you. It was not my intention. xx
    • Posted

      Oooo sorry to hear that, I too cannot have children :-( found out 10 years ago and loosing dad reminds me I will never have family once parents not here! Life is sh*t... You will not get over it as people expect, people do not understand, I am surrounded by happy families, people with parents and children, grandchildren, moaning about trivial stuff and I wanna scream arrrrggggghhhhhhh xxxx
    • Posted

      sorry, should have read this before answering your last post! That sounds really painful! Gosh, there's no operation or anything like that? I understand the morphine now, not good but I suppose there's nothing else to take. I'm really sorry, that's not good at all.

      That's the thing about antidepressants some people are like zombies and others are fine. I think it does come down to the doctor and  your own research. I've joined this group to find out more about long term use before I speak to my doctor next. I see the benefits but also worry about the downside, It's a toughie! I've been down for so many years, it's nice to be chilled. I haven't felt this content since my twenties. it's just good not to argue or feel bad and to just do 'stuff'. Feeling empty and not even wanting to get out of bed is just cr*p. I even watched Jeremy Kyle because I couldn be bothered to turn over the TV!! I need drugs to stop me from doing that! Lol

    • Posted

      I understand how you feel, truly I do. People avoid thinking about old age and death, so they can't relate to how you feel. It's easier to tell you to get over it than to think about their own old age. You're still grieving both for your father and the child you'll never have. It takes time but one day you will accept there's nothing you can do to change anything. Then you will have finished grieving. Take your time lovely, it will happen. Took me 18 months and a whole lot of therapy but I'm finally there. One thing I live by, just because it's sh*t now, doesn't mean it always will be x
    • Posted

      Ooo I love Jeremy Kyle ;-) god you just explain how I feel about the phone ringing.... It irritates me, I think leave me alone. It's so sad, I used to love chatting not the phone to friends, now I am depressed I just want to be left alone, I have ignored people phoning so many times that nobody calls any more and I am not even bothered... A friend phoned last week that I not heard for for 7 months, and I just looked at the number and ignored it! Wish I was cheerful like I used to be :-( take care xxx
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      Thank you. Had councelling etc, am ok in the day if busy, just at night my mind goes into overdrive! Xxx
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      Ok lovely. Take care and big hugs xx
    • Posted

      Mayday seems to be going round writing negative stuff on everyones posts , when its the last thing we want to hear. It was a big discusion for me to go on this in the first place and prob the same for everyone else. But after my research and postive feed back about the drug i decided to go on it. And so what if you have to end up taking it the rest of your life , as i have seen you comment about that on other posts depression is an illnes. Same as if you have biopolar , arthritus , diabetes you still have to take medication for that long term. And you keep going on about how you shouldnt take something that makes you so ill. Well cancer patients have chemo that makes you ill , if you have to have an operation your ill and in great pain after but you get better from it. And thats the same with these drugs , it might not work for everybody i know that. But none of us are asking for your opinion on the drug on here to speak with people who are taking it and talk about it. You are obvs not from the uk , but my doctor didnt just hand it out to me , she also got me a counsellor to talk through about things aswell and i have another appointment to go bak in 3 weeks to see how im doing on them. I really think you should think before you speak , yeh u mean well but on the last post you commented on you didnt put anything nice , just slamming the drug to the lady like she needs to hear that and saying is know one fully happy anymore ....


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      Mayday is on morphine and I imagine that takes a toll on the body. It's also highly addictive, so they are just concerned about us taking medication and getting addicted. 
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      didn't mean to press reply!

      You're right, it's just like taking medication for diabetes. It's just the way it is. Remember one very important thing, if you take medication for diabetes, you also have to make lifestyle changes to supplement the meds. It's the same with citalopram, make lifestyle changes. Keep away from negative people, work with your counsellor to improve you, and get out and do things. Just don't expect it to happen overnight! ;-)x

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