Started with H.pylori
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where do i start..
almost 5 months ago I felt pretty crap, stomach bug. doc said it was gastroenteritis. was no better after a few weeks so returned to see GP, they took bloods, urine and stool sample, only thing that came back was h.pylori a bacterial stomach infection, he also said I had inflammation of the intestines.. anyway from 2 months after this all started right up until now I've still felt no better, had what I can only explain as strange "baby movements" multiple times a day every single day, I've gone from 1 bowel movement every 3 days to 3 or 4 daily, lost 2 stone in weight, constantly bloated and losing my hair.. I've taken multiple pregnancy tests over the last 5months (all negative) still having regular periods, was referred for full abdominal scan that only showed ovarian cyst. now waiting on an endoscopy appointment. has anyone else suffered from these symptoms and found a diagnosis. I'm at my whitts end nowFile size is too big
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denise13215 claire52087
yes, the same thing has happened to me, however, on top of all that I am now having problems swallowing.Im waiting for endoscopy and ultrasound scan next week.Have you considered food intollerances.I was tested for celiac disease and proved positive. Cutting out gluten has resolved some of the abdominal issues I was having.
claire52087 denise13215
I had the ultrasound scan before christmas but nothing showed up. I am back next week for them to check the cyst over that was found but that's it. got my endoscopy 13th Feb but it's the feelings in my stomach I was more paranoid about I kind of convinced myself I was pregnant because of it but everything came back negative. I havent been tested for anything else but if the endoscopy comes back clear I'm going to push for a colonoscopy and more tests. my mum has ulcerative colitis and brother has crohns disease so I'm expecting something along those lines. I never have had stomach issues , never ever got stomach bugs either so it's strange that it's just come out of nowhere. I know that dairy products tend to make it a little worse and the bloating in a night is
vicky60291 denise13215
Hi denise , request a vitamin D check and low calcium check , as low calcium makes swallowing difficult . Our body is a system that lives on vitamins and minerals , when levels are low our system is thrown off balance .
denise13215 vicky60291
thanks for that information. funnily enough i bought a good multi vitamin tablet and my symptoms seem to have improved. I've just been diagnosed as celiac and I have had symptoms of malabsorption and weight loss so that makes a lot of sense. I wish I had waited a while before seeing the doctor as I am dreading the endoscopy.
vicky60291 denise13215
youre welcome denise , i have has an endoscopy , it wasnt bad at all . You are given a relaxer before hand . I went to sleep during mine lol . It usually takes ,20 minutes and you go home . 90% of cases of illnesses is a result of a vitamin deficiency . Request a full blown lab test done to see what you are low in and what dosage you should be taking , then again you may be taking the right amount if you are feeling better . So glad to hear
mudasar16369 vicky60291
dear I had h.pylori before I took antibiotics after that course I took again my test it was negative now these days I have different symptoms I losted weight about 5 kg during that period but still I have off balance of my body nervousness lack of concentration problem in walking mood disorder food intolerance I did my all liver test and infection inflamation test nothing was there doctor told me your reports is perfect but I have this condition now these days especially my neck back muscles all time tight can you advice me about my condition I am very much upset due to this condition
vicky60291 claire52087
Hi claire , low vitamin D can cause HP , inwhich needs certain antibiotics to clear ,inwhich can strip the good bacteria from your gut system throwing your enzymes off balance inwhich causes bloating , gassy and constipation /diarrhea , low vitamin D is a cause for hair loss . , first request a vitamin D check as this test isnt usually in the lab protocol , you can take OTC stomach enzymes and probiotics to stabilize your guy system back to health along with eating a healthy diet for awhile . No soda , no caffeine , no refined sugar . Getting your vitamin D levels checked is getting to the main source of all your conditions .. Keep us updated on your results do to help anyone else going through the same things
claire52087 vicky60291
thanks.. the docs did put me on 2 lots of antibiotics to clear the h.pylori but didnt retest after telling them I felt no different but said that they can test for this again during the endoscopy. I gathered that the weightloss and hair loss was maybe down to malnutrition as I either get full really fast or dont hold onto the food I intake. feels like this has been going on so long now xx
pippa58442 claire52087
I have IBS and sometimes I get twitching sensations in my colon as if a mouse is running about inside. I had bowel habit change too. I started with constipation and then loose stools or diarrhoea. Have you asked you doctor about IBS? Your hair loss could be a vitamin/iron deficiency or even stress.
denise13215 pippa58442
Yes, I also have movements in my stomach and intestines which feel really strange. I'm in my 60's so definitely not pregnant.
claire52087 denise13215
do you get these on a daily basis? theres not a day goes by that I dont get them on and off throughout the day! they're not in one specific place but all over my abdomen. I have another ultrasound scan in the morning to check out a cyst so I'll be making sure they make sure theres no surprise in there ha!
denise13215 claire52087
YES, having them now as I write. sometimes my abdomen feel like its actually moving. sometimes my intestines.
pippa58442 denise13215
My intestinal movements are caused by my IBS.
I have thought maybe its IBS-A.. as some days I could be back and forth to the loo and other days nothing
pippa58442 claire52087
I have had this too with IBS.