Starting HRT after 60 ???

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At 62 I thought I was pretty much through all this but since Feb I've been suffering with severe fatigue and also shortness of breath. If I'm gardening and leaning over its really bad then and also when I first start out walking.

Doc has ordered a blood test but wants me to think about HRT. I'm really not sure about starting it at my age, I've come this far without any. Anyone else started after 60?

It would be good to hear what others think, the fatigue has been a shock as I am normally one of life's busy people.

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3 Replies

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    I just turned 60 and like you thought I would be through this craziness by now. I have had every symptom there is and then some since 2009. The last couple of years I have noticed the symptoms have become more manageable, never completely gone, but more manageable. I thought the hormones were going to settle down. Then late last year I started to notice I just felt off, just not myself. By February of this year I had bottomed out, every menopause symptom I have ever experienced was back. It started with severe fatigue, not sleeping ,anxiety, nervousness, shaking and panic attacks. I am assuming a fluctuation of the hormones because all labs and tests have shown nothing. I have never taken HRT and had no clue you could take them this late into this process. It’s definitely been a journey for sure.

    • Posted

      My doctor has told me I am to old to still be having menopause symptoms but then I come to forums like this one and there are ladies older than me still experiencing symptoms. There has to be something to it for so many our age to still have menopause symptoms. I know ageing plays a part and I accept that, but so much of what I am going through right now is exactly what I went through when it all started. Hope you can get the answers you need. GOD Bless

  • Posted

    Hiya, I've read there's a 10 year window beginning from when you reached menopause in which you can start HRT, so it all depends on how old you were then. I think they call it the "window of opportunity". If I remember right, its still possible to go on it after that window but the risks of taking HRT are greater then, I think its something to do with your cardiovascular system. I'm sure if you Google HRT window of opportunity you can find better info! HTH

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