Starting mirtazapine

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Heya, i have a chronic heart condition and since a few scary events i have been anxious 24/7 leading to no sleep and just so down in myself and racing ocd thoughts to cause harm etc, i was on seroquel but it started to effect my heart so was made to stop with immediate effect.. they have now prescribed me mirtazapine but since in the last two weeks i have been terrified because beta blockers also caused me side effects im worried this could...i want to be better sad its ruling my life

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you have a chronic heart condition, I'm on mirtazipine 15mg for 16 months now, I was so down when I was prescribed this but after a week I was feeling myself after a week. It does make you drowsy when taking it so take it half an hour before bed and I promise you, you will have a good night's sleep! Also the 1st couple of days I felt a bit out of it so bare with it first the 1st few days and I hope these work for you x

  • Posted

    hi, mirtazapine do cause people dreaming a lot it would seemĀ  for some time till you get used to them, according to what people on here report .and you can get very apathetic and feeling worn out not wanting to do anything on to higher dose, they work fairly well if you cannot sleep properly but have not found them any good for anxiety personally. if you been on them two weeks you will already have got the side effects if they are going to happen i would have thought by now
    • Posted

      I haven't been on them for two weeks just within two weeks other meds have caused so many side effects its made me worry about this one x

  • Posted

    Thank you. Im so worried about new meds as im quite sensitive to side effects, i coped ok with quietapine sedation so hopefully it wont be too bad, you can still like move around and stuff if needed? Xx
    • Posted

      hi ,it worked well helping me sleepĀ  for a long time but now after a few years 15mg does not work very well at keeping me asleep, it great at getting over to sleep initially
  • Posted

    I suggest you ask for a second opinion - Perhaps ask for a second opinion froma second doctor

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