Starting Perimenopause
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Hi, I think I am starting perimenopause. to be honest i dont really know much about this. At the moment I feel like I a bit of a fraud, but my symptoms are memory loss, tiredness, dizziness, I am so snappy with my family and I just dont know where to start to get help
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susan21149 nikki46218
How old are you. I am in Post Menopausal right now but I have been tired cranky at times even torward my boyfriend and he does not deserve it he is good to me
I would suggest you get the blood test to see if you are in peri menopause
Try to take it easy
nikki46218 susan21149
susan21149 nikki46218
viv1960 nikki46218
It it is all making sense to me now from this book. I need to find someone close to home to get it treated.
Keep reading all of the posts on here, you're realise you are not alone, that in itself gives you comfort.
Good luck
shaznay96184 nikki46218
Welcome! You'll get some great advice here from a bunch of women who know their stuff:-)
I joined around Xmas - felt I'd found my 'sistas' who knew what I was experiencing.
First have a good read about Peri -as I affectionately refer to it - on this site. You'll be amazed at how much you DIDN'T know about this long journey, or even associate with Peri/Menopause at all!
Worth going to see our GP? - Jury's out for me on that. Most of the ladies on here haven't had much support from theirs, but you might find it helps to let yours know how you're feeling/changing.
I'd lay money on Anti-depressants/SSRIs being offered! They're being used a lot in the UK to 'assist' during this time. Again, read up, get yourself will informed about symptoms/treatment.
I'm 54, and don't want to give you the hump, but although I know I'm completely Peri, I still get periods regular as clockwork: gutted! My sisters were all post-Meno a my age.
I'm not taking HRT - yet. I don't rule anything out but feel OK at the mo. But when I get sweat dripping off my moustache, I'll be banging on my GPs door:-) !!
I don't suppose it'd hurt for you to take a good Multi vit/min supplement. Vits B6&12 are good for your mood; something with calcium, Vit D, bit of iron, magnesium. I take MENOPACE ORIGINAL by Viabiotics but I know they do stuff for blokes, pre-pregnancy, wll-womn tc so I'm sure they do something aimed at you.
Honestly I hate taking any meds but my Menopace is my new BFF!!! How about giving some multi vits a go as a starting point?
Let us know how things go.
rozanne321 nikki46218
I too, am not too up on what happens to a woman's body during this time. I was close to 14 when I had my first cycle and am going to be 54 this month. I don't think I would know if I start it even if it hit me in the face! My mom never discussed it when she went through it.
I agree that some dr.'s will dismiss your symptons and prescribe meds just for the heck of it. But there might be some that will actually take what's going on with you into consideration and treat you right... in more ways than one.
Like many things in life, if you're prescribe meds and experience adverse side effects, tell your dr. immediately! Some women react differently to some meds than others or what is considered "Common" effects. I know, my dr. put me on an hbp medication and told me that she's never had a patient who had such reactions. One pill doesn't fit all.
What I am trying to say is, keep a diary of what you experience, when and what you are doing when these symptoms occur and bring them to your dr. Ask questions. That's the first thing you should do. Thank goodness there's the internet. We can look things up and get instant information! And just let your family know that you're not taking anything out on them. They will be your best support system. Take things easy and don't think the worst! Talk to some other women that you might be close to who have gone through this. And just relax...this is just natural.
pinkcatfairy nikki46218
nikki46218 pinkcatfairy
My memory is awful too.
Do you take any medication prescribed or other? x
pinkcatfairy nikki46218