Starting to feel a little better here and there

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So didn't take my tablets for two days because I forgot 😭. I was doing so well and then it hit me. I have started back on tablets and it's been 4 days, feeling a little better but now and then I get this feeling wash over me, sadness and anxiety. Mornings are the worst again at the moment. I hope and pray I start to feel like me again. For some strange reason I really want to cry but can't. It's like it's building up inside of me and I can't let it out. anyone else feel that way at times x

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I know how you feel. I go through this too.I kind of feel like being on Sertraline has numbed my emotions, like I feel sad and depressed but can't express it or cry, and just feel a bit flat. Do you feel like that? I've thought about asking my GP to come off the setraline, because of this, but I'm hoping it'll get better after a while. Not sure. Been on 100mg for about 6 weeks now and missed two days a week ago too x

    • Posted

      It's hard when you can't even cry to let out some of that built up negativity. I was able to cry and let it out before but since I've forgotten to take my tablets, it's taken a step back. So I'm trying to get there again. It did take around 3 months for me to start feeling better again but I'm hoping to be back on track soon. I would say give it a little more time and see how it goes after another month or so. I've started to feel a lot better, mornings aren't getting as hard (fingers crossed). Hope things settle. God bless x

    • Posted

      Thank you! I'm glad you're getting there, well done. it is hard. Hope you're well x

    • Posted

      Hi Eb, feeling much better in myself. Fingers crossed all will be fine for us all. There is a light. X
  • Posted

    I have only started on sertraline a week ago and yes the mornings are the worst but I had to take something as I felt I was losing my life to anxiety and depression, I never had any of this stuff before I had an accident in December, and then I got these anxiety issues, when i am in work which I need to go to so I keep my job I have to keep leaving my desk as I get panicky or want to cry.  One day I had to go to my car to cry as I was in such a bad way. I hope the tablets work for you and for me.
    • Posted

      Hi Rosa, I remember going through that. Take each day step by step. Don't be hard on yourself. You will start to feel better, have faith in god and yourself.

      The first 4 weeks were hard but it does get better. I went through a stage of shaking and panicking so bad that I wanted to curl up and not move. Also anxiety would hit me and I would really want to run away. I would have tears down my face and not even notice. Now it's not as bad. I can work through it. X

    • Posted

      thank you so much I really feel happier reading what you have written, I have been told the anxiety is something that has built up over a period of time and the brain is trying to release it so in many ways it is best not to fight it but to let it out and not to run away from it.  I find this hard to do but I am trying to.  Last night when I was going to sleep I got random muscle spasams which kept waking me I notice that these are a side effect of Sertraline, so I hope they stop soon. 
    • Posted

      Hi Rosa, I remember the spasms. I had that in my legs. It was scary going through it. You won't notice yet but slowly each day you will start to improve and feel more like you. All those things you loved doing before will come back and you will feel more like you. Just take one step at a time, go for walks, listen to happy music, stay away from watching news. Anything negative like that can bring you down. Don't be afraid to talk about how you're feeling. Have faith in God and yourself. I read psalm 23, 27, 91, and 141. I find this helps me. I always try and tell myself to smile. I hope that even though when I'm feeling awful that if I smile, I will start to feel that smile on the inside too.

      God bless x

  • Posted

    Hi, HopeNFaith, I know exactly what you are talking about. I went through a period about a few days to a week when I desperately wanted to cry but couldn’t. It’s like I’m crying inside but no tears are coming down my eyes. It’s a most uncomfortable feeling. Don’t try to push the tears. They will come and you will have a wonderful good cry to let it all out. It’ll happen. XX
    • Posted

      That's exactly what it's like. I feel that if I don't cry soon it will build up until I have a panick attack. I feel that I can't let my emotions go at the moment. As you say, in time it will happen but I won't force myself. X

  • Posted

    Bless you. I was having a great day today until early afternoon and suddenly I felt like i was going to collapse and felt so damn fatigued. Thought I'd been glutened as i am gluten intolerant. had to go to bed and just shut myself away. I felt really really awful and then started getting horrible thoughts. Anyway, after a couple of hours I had to get up for a toilet visit and I just checked my meds box and........I had not taken my Sert this morning (along with my B.P tablet). I'm on day 21 of 50mg and was just getting stable but (as someone says) sort of numb. My partner says my eyes have looked 'empty' until yesterday afternoon after a Hypnotherapy session, after which I felt great and actually had a proper meal for the first time in weeks.

    So, if this is what happens when you miss a med dose then I feel for you having missed a few.  Hold on, hang in and although this might seem strange, listen to Coldplay 'Fix me' and I challenge your head not to let you cry your eyes out.  

    This condition is cr~p but we will learn to defeat it. You will defeat it. Depression is now 'out' following the Princes' magnificent admissions; good on them both and others that are 'coming out'. Maybe now we can get some decent support without having to resort to just chemicals.

    All the best HNF and God Bless. 

    • Posted

      Hi Philip, I have never tried hypnotherapy. May need to look into that. I think it's great that more famous people are opening up about anxiety and depression. We need that support as so many normal folk are struggling.

      I will listen to that cold play song and let you know if I have a good cry.

      Since putting myself back on track taking these meds, I've started to have dizzy spells. I'm hoping that will calm down. I vaguely remember going through this when I first started these tablets. I find walking and dance class helps. Also praying has really helped me. Trying to remain positive when you're going through so many emotions is so hard but we can do it. God bless x

    • Posted

      If you can find an excellent Hynotherapist it is really worth a try. You don't get treated like the sort of stuff you may have seen on 'stage'/TV. It is more like  trance and if you let yourself go then all sorts of things can be worked on. It is a fascinating experinec if somewhat expensive as you will need a series of sessions. My thinking is that if these people are available they have been provided for us to use. My faith needs assistance and I am lucky enough to be able to access this non medical treatment at the moment.

      All the best.

    • Posted

      Thanks Philip, will have a look. I want to try, at least then I will know if it works 😊.

      Thanks for the advice x

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