Starting to really flip out
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i cant take no more i have health anxiety already was doing some better now this virus has it way out of control. my state was the last state to get any cases we held strong, that went down the drain im scared to death to go to store go get my meds. we on stay at home order everything is shut down just essential places is open. we dont have many cases but they are saying on the news our peak isnt til next month. if perimenopause wasnt enough and having an autoimmune disease now this im scared to death im not ready to die from a virus. its impossible to stay home when you need your meds and food. i stocked up good last month and haven't really needed to go to the store but eventually i will have to go . i won't go to no drive thru thats just as dangerous to get food should shut them down passing food out windows without gloves or can have that virus. so many people here not taking this seriously nobody is invincible and young can die from this as well ive seen on news. god please help all of us kill this virus dead in its tracks let no more people get sick or die sorry i needed to vent im scared to death
2 likes, 11 replies
sakura26 pamela2016
Hi I totally here you. I'm already worried about my immune system since hormones impact that and I've been so exhausted and am prob anemic. I also need to go to the pharmacy to refill anxiety meds I don't think they will deliver, think you have to be there in person. But I'm going to look for a CVS with a drive through. We even just had an earthquake here! Minor but scared and I thought "perimenopause? pandemic? earthquake!!! now what?". Hang in there you are not alone and I think they have come up with some treatments for the virus finally but I heard also that the next few weeks through the 26th are like "peak weeks" to stay home. But then I think are amazon packages even safe? What about the drivers. So I'm with you and I think you will be okay the news always makes everything worse. Hugs to you. Feel free to private message. 🤗
debra16694 pamela2016
hi Pamela - i live in California where the virus is rampant, fortunately our governor took it very seriously and issued "social distancing" & stay at home orders early on - my niece is in New Orleans where the mayor was very lax in implementing "stay at home" orders & now the virus is out of control down there - dont let anyone tell you differently, you are wise to take it very seriously & try & get your groceries & RX delivered & if you must go out wear a mask, glove & glasses & disinfect everything - try & beef up on stress vitamins like B & magnesium glycinate - & eat healthy & hydrate - be well!
Gigi368 pamela2016
I wasn't too worried in the beginning for myself but for my husband (ex hubby, but I have power of atty .. long story) who is in a nursing home due to massive brain damage caused by a hit and run accident, he cant communicate so we can only guess when he's ill. But now I'm terrified for myself. My stupid state with a moron for a governor just put us on shelter in place but it won't start until Monday. I've literally left my house 3 times since March 16th and only because I had to get food, not that I found much bc ppl are crazy hoarding! I went out Tuesday to grab my meds and try to get some meat and today I feel horrible.. scratchy sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, and the driest cough I've ever had and the feeling as if something is sitting on my chest and between my shoulder blades is tight and I have a hard time catching my breath after coughing and forget the steps, i get winded, but no fever yet.. so is it allergies, a cold, hormones or this virus? Pretty sure my room mate already had it, he was sick for about 3 weeks, even cracked a rib coughing so hard, this was the first 3 weeks in March before the states had any testing. I kept my distance. We've got horror stories in my zip code of ppl who have been diagnosed with it but can't get tested to be for sure...
My anxiety is thru the roof! I called my stupid doc and he says sounds like the flu and sent out a script for Tamiflu which I'm not taking, this isn't the flu, plus he didn't bother to test me for the flu and I've had the main flu shot.
So, getting off my soap box I totally understand how you feel!
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Hi Pamela
There's no 2 ways about it, this situation is frightening and when you have auto immune issues (me too) its a holy terror. We are the same in the UK on lockdown and every so often it creeps up and I get scared again but I just have to focus on the here and now. I clean, cook, work, watch TV and then go for my walk in the evening when it's quiet. Try not to spend too much time on the news, it just becomes overwhelming. In this scenario literally the whole world feels the same way, and all we can do is try to stay positive, be prepared, keep calm and carry on. You'll come out the other side of this Pamela so just look after yourself xx
thanks ladies for replying stay safe everyone of you this has been a nightmare like the world needed this upon us, people have enough problems to deal with .i pray it ends soon its making my stomach stay in knots barely eating again due to a nauseated stomach anxiety is so bad at the moment
charlotte57631 pamela2016
Hey ladies..totally understand how you all feel..anxiety will get the best of you..I try to stay positive..pray, pray, and pray..I take walks and try to eat right but on a somewhat limited diet due to health issues☹but I know god is still in control and soon this all will keep your head up and have faith..🙏❤
c14889 charlotte57631
Charlotte, I am clinging to the fact that God is mighty and able!
2chr2015 pamela2016
same. our state is supposed to be one of the next epicenters. great. i just got over my last health anxiety scare and now this.
kelly55079 pamela2016
We went out to dinner on March 15 the day before the shut-down. It feels like forever that we have been at home. I went out the other day and the pharmacy was pretty much empty. The grocery store had a few ppl in there as well-- My guess is everyone if flocking to Walmart for the one stop shop. I have seen ppl wearing masks (I have my scarf) and those disposable gloves to shop. My neighbor has gone out twice since this. She has asthma, lives alone and staying in mostly. She says she has enough food for a couple weeks. When you go out, make sure your protected and buy what you need for 2-3 weeks so you won't have to go back out. It'll be OK.
jo0808 pamela2016
anxiety is high today. i cant get warm ive just started my period which after last flow i thought id finished for good ( wishful thinking )
i keep getting pains under my left rib cage in my back. really peed off with feeling like crap. i was having a few good days where i could at least clean my house & potter around without feeling like i was going to drop any moment.
i hate feeling like this its horrible. dont know what to do with myself so i thought id have a good winge on here makes me feel better knowing were all in this together. lockdown is vital but so boring.
jessie78520 pamela2016
I think all the anxiety related to covid-19 doesn't help with our hormones, either. Over the last couple of weeks, all my peri-related symptoms have been much worse--aches, cold feet, upset stomach, etc. It could be coincidence, but I suspect it's because I'm more stressed lately. We only leave the house to walk the dogs and we can stay far from people when we do that. We've had groceries delivered a couple of times and I wipe down everything I can, then keep it quarantined (in the garage or fridge) for a few days since the virus can live on cardboard and plastic. I'm probably taking it a bit too far, but I'm okay being a bit neurotic right now. I'm in Texas and our state isn't doing stay-at-home orders, but my city/county just extended ours through the end of April. For me, taking breaks from the news helps. I know it's out there, know it's bad, so the specifics aren't necessarily something I need to know as it just makes me more stressed out. Stay safe, everyone.