Starved nearly 21 hours before surgery
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i was scheduled for surgery on Friday for my piles. it had taken me over a year to get the appointment as they kept losing track of me in thier records and cancelled twice. my piles got worse. i had surgery before. seems this is a genetic thing (36 year old).
on the day of surgery i arrived at 07.30. was told to change into thin cotton gown at 8am. told nurse my last meal was at 8pm last night. i had a sip of black tea in morning but really just a sip as was getting late. then came the long wait from 8am till 14.45. surgeon made appearance at 1pm made a very slight mumbling apology saying "we had to get the big ones out of the way first". then disappeared. over 6 hours waiting. i was feeling faint, dehydrated. no one came to check up on me or even offer me water or any updates. kept asking how long will take for surgeon. was told how longs a piece of string effectively!
cut a long story short i began feeling panicked and anxious. no food or drink for 21 one hours and now these guys are going to put me under general aneasthetic and surgery (still no idea when). so i got dressed and left the hospital.
can you tell me if my experience was normal. according to nurse who i had an argument with on phone 7-8 hours wait at 21 hours of starvation is average these days.
want to take legal action as its just been a year and a half of an ordeal. i felt really just vulnurable and forgotton on the day. i was there on my own. in fact felt not noticed for over a year and my piles got so bad couldnt even sit down.
Advice. experiences please! ive made a complaint and someone will ring me tomorrow to resolve. should i take legal action? am i overreacting??
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Sgt.lindalee mustafa22491
Hi Mustafa, I am so sorry you had to go through this, its bad enough having a medical issue, then they make you feel like, you aren't serious enough to be bothered with....honestly, at the very least, they could have started an iv port and given you fluids/glucose....21hrs is a long time to go without food or water. I have heard 7-8 hrs is common in ER but, was unaware of a SCHEDULED surgery having that long a wait, however, if emergencies or complications happen with other patients ahead of you, in their surgeries, it can force you to be required to wait. I would complain too, you are owed an explanation. They need to know this is a problem for patients, if nobody complains, nothing will change. They should have handled this differently....if they were honest & told you why the wait was necessary, had ANY interaction with you, instead of ignoring & avoiding you, it wouldn't have come to this. I am not a lawyer but, I don't think you can sue for something like this...try to deal with your hospital board & get another surgical appt, under circumstances you may not have to wait long, as you DID your waiting, YOU'RE clear about your experience & ask what to expect for next time, if you have option of another Dr or hospital, maybe that's an option but, be prepared to start over?! Good Luck and Best Wishes๐๐๐โพ๐ถโคโฎ
mustafa22491 Sgt.lindalee
thanks for this. the whole ordeal has left me quite depressed. i had been trying to get this appointment for just under a year. so was all a bit too much.
Sgt.lindalee mustafa22491
Hi Mustafa, Anytime, you're welcome...I have a lengthy medical history, its never ending...I understand how you feel!! Emotionally its a roller coaster ride and you just want it to end....hopefully you can get in and get this fixed w/o waiting too much longer Good Luck๐๐๐โพ๐ถ๐โฎ