stertraline reducing sex drive and discomfort

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I'm a 23 male prescripted 50 mg sertraline. I took medication a year ago for depression.  It killed my sex drive completely. I stayed on the tablets for a couple of months but then I felt fine and stopped the process. 2 months ago I started stertraline to reduce anxiety. I knew it would give me ejaculation proplems so I split the pill in half (25) mg. I still have discomfort and trouble with the lower dosage. The pill has helped a bit with anxiety but I keep feeling up and down. I'm scared of feeling low and hopeless. I reel need a solution. I've talked to the doctor but they are useless aha. I could do a better job diagnosing myself. Please help smile 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm now seeing a psychiatrist (first session today) I'm hoping this will work as can't handle the anxiety anymore. Just started sertraline toady but only taking a quarter of the tablet, as don't want too many side effects 
  • Posted

    I dont think your depression / anxiety seems as bad as many others, a lot of us are taking anti depressants as a last resort and we arent too worried about that problem haha. When did you feel the benefits of sertraline may I ask. I am also 23
    • Posted

      Before taking the tablets I felt dead inside. I know you have to be sad and happy. Thats life. Depression is horrible don't get me wrong. however having no emotions is alot worse. I have experienced both. I've took stertraline for just under 2 months. Felt worse as to be expected on the first week. After that my emotions came Bk. Anxiety is stable. My boyfriend makes me come alive but little things still don't motivate/enjoy like they use 2. smile I'm trying to get the right balance. 
    • Posted

      i was the opposite, my emotions were all over the place, one minute i was happy the next crying like a baby and then the next angry like i've never been before.  i was out of control and needed help badly, i was worried my boyfriend was going to leave me i was that bad, he was really good with me though and so so patient when i first started taking them. but thanks to sertraline i've found the right dosage and i've returned to my normal self again, well near as damn it anyway.  you will get there scott, don't you worry, you have to trust your meds and let them do their job.  if after 6-8 weeks you're not feeling any better, get back to your doctor and ask them to increase your dosage, i started on 50mg and worked upto 150mg and that's the right dose for me i'm certain you will find yours too, keep in touch and let me know how your getting on  :-) 


  • Posted

    hi scott,

    unfortunatley, this is a side effect of sertraline, when i first started them i had the same problem, went from having a high sex drive for a female to nothing at all, it was terrible!! but it does settle down after a few weeks, thank goodness :-)


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