Sticking to sertraline, its side effects and why people are on it in the first place.
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Hi all I just need a rant about something I think we all understand and why we're at this forum in the first place. Whether you're on sertraline or trying to 'get' why a friend/relative is.
Personally I suffer from anxiety and depression. I've just upped my dose to 100mg and am hanging on as I've had a few days that I felt good again, so the memory of those makes all this worth while.
For all the doubters of this drug, seriously you have to go with the general consensus of 'don't give up!' We ALL feel you! The side effects and the illness all in one are absolutely *****. But the alternative would probably lead to giving up in general. And no one wants that. I've been there and people, even yourself end up asking - why??
We've just all gotta be patient! I wish people realised mental health is actually an illness and that we do not choose to be off work/school for so long. It's not 'fun' having so much spare time. Trust me we would all love to get back on track and be able to lead a normal life. But we can't and that's why we're seeking help.
This can hit anyone and all the ignorance is not helping any of us to get better. I feel almost guilty that I feel this way as people have big problems and don't end up in this state.
Firstly, just because we are ill, it doesn't mean we can't get out and about either.. Why do people expect us to stayed cooped up inside. Yes we have low energy and don't enjoy much but we don't have a physical problem so it's not weird that we're walking about. However the fact that we are, somehow suggests to some people that we are therefore fine and should be back at work/school. The fact that you have a sense of humour and a smile also means that you're fine, apparently. But these opinions couldn't be more wrong.
Inside, you're never going to understand this unless you are going through it. You feel trapped and unable to enjoy anything. You can't focus. Even on those few good days, where I'm buzzing, I couldn't for the life of me sit and concentrate on anything.
Anyone else found that people just run away too? If you were physically ill, people would visit you and feel for you and be there. I feel like some people choose to ignore it and therefore me as they don't understand. Which really hurts. At the end of the day we're still people with sane thought processes, just that we have anxiety/low mood/ whatever. And the days that we feel like we want to die, it's not because we're nuts. We just don't want to feel this way anymore; imagine being trapped in a mind that is incapable of feeling enjoyment or imagine lacking confidence completely. Well the problem is that people can't imagine this. And I wouldn't wish it upon anyone anyway. Sometimes, you forget what happiness even is. It's like a come down that never ends.
For those that just 'don't get it', fine. Just don't take it out on us that we're ill. We didn't choose it, it could happen to anyone. The way a physical problem does.
Rant over.
Just hope people realise you're not alone... When everyone else tries to push you back to leading a normal life and you just cry inside 'I can't!' don't let them dictate your recovery. You'll just get worse. Keep taking the sertraline the way you've been advised to. Go back to your GP if need be. And post things, it helps!
Feel free to add your thoughts! We all have our own problems and rants we need to let out ..hope other people can associate - helping to prove I'm not crazy like everyone thinks!
Lots of love x
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Started to feel better after a very down period but
Still find it hard to get out of bed when I do
I don't want to speak just to get back to my room and feel safe
Well that is a great post you have said here!!!!, fully support in what you have said!!
I've been on Sertraline now for 5 years, had problems with depression and anxiety after
having a breakdown. I was taking one 200ml pill a day for 3 years, then reduced down to
one 100ml a day for a further year, have been on one 50ml a day for the last year.
Have been reducing now since November 2013, by taking 0ne every other day for a couple of weeks, have continued reducing carefully!!!!!! under the carful watch of my Doctor.
I am now at the stage of taking one 50ml every 7 days and feeling a slight change back to my old normal self in a good way I may add!!!! before I had my breakdown and the need for Sertraline!!!.
So hopefully within another month I should be off complete!!!, major achievement after such a long period of time on them!!!.
Yes they certainly help in maintaining a stable frame of mind worked for me, I have heard
they don't work for everyone!!! why not sure!!.
I must say from my experience they do/have certainly helped me, I have been told once
you start taking Sertraline you need to be on them for around 2 years!!, you can not take
them here and there for short periods of time!!!, plenty of info on net!!!!.
Word of WARNING!!!! back about 15 months ago, I thought as I was/am feeling stable I
would just stop taking them of my own accord!!!, I did not consult my Doctor!!! what a big
mistake!!!!! that was I felt OK for just over a week and thinking I am now fully OK NOT!!!!!.
I just crashed back down so to speak, basically like going cold turkey as they say!!!!, My
Doctor said I should have never done so!!!, I went straight back to my dosage you
have to reduce slowly as I am now doing reducing sensible over a period of time, its a
powerful drug!!! remember that!!.
I was at first thinking I would be on these possible for ever it seamed!!!!, remember as I
have found/experiencing now getting better!!!, and with all the help out there counselling etc
which I had for a long time over the years!!!! help.
I am feeling good now and only hope when I finish taking them I will continue back to
Remember things will/does get better!!!!, Oooo!!! one thing I must
also say I did not want to tell my family I was taking anti depressants!!! at first felt
embarrassed!!! that caused a worry!!! but eventually I did also told my HR in the company
ware I worked, well I must say its surprising how much that helps!!! all being very
supportive!!!, so when I had time off from work on many occasions due to not being able to mix/face people etc!!! work were very understanding and sportive.
I have in place a support group!!!!! to attend for as long as I feel I need, DONT fill
embarrassed!!! to go to one remember everyone there is there for the same reason/situation as ourselves!! its good to talk share!!!!.
Good luck in the future, you will get better point to focus on/remember!!!.
I just want to share my experience on Sertaline with everyone and maybe this can help people better decide if the drug is for them or can give me their suggestions. I have always been an anxious person but about 5 months ago I started having really bad thoughts and thought I was going crazy. I told the people closest to me about it and they also told me they have bad thoughts but don't let it get to them. I just didn't realize why I would have such awful thoughts towards the people I cared so much about. After a week of not sleeping but about 3 hours each night and having my anxiety and thoughts control my days I realized it was time to get some help. I went to my doctor and he told me I had anxiety and prescribed 50mg Sertaline. The first week was horrible I was more anxious then I previously was my feet were sweaty and I still had racing thoughts. After about 2 weeks I started feeling like myself again and started to be able to get the thoughts off my mind. At about 4 weeks I felt the anxiety coming back and I just couldn't handle the fact that I might have to feel like that again. I called my doctor and he decided to up my dose to 100mg. This was probably the worst week of my life the anxiety came back 10x worse. I was finally sleeping better but I felt awful I was nauseous, I had an eye twitch. I decided I needed to see a therapist. I got in, in a couple of days and talked to her and told her all of my thoughts and she told me I had OCD. I immediately felt a huge relief, I finally felt like I wasn't crazy and I was normal but just have OCD. I have continued to take Zoloft every since and I have felt tremendously better for about 2 months now. Although around my period time I can sometimes feel the anxiety rising but its easy for me to now just brush them off and realize its my OCD not me.
However, If im even 10 mins late on taking my pill I can bet on being anxious for the next day or two. I also have some side effects that I don't particular like. Like I have awful/weird dreams, feel as though my short term memory isn't as good as it was before taking sertraline, and sometimes I feel weird and don't feel as though things are real. Also, I'm more irritable and snap easily when Im mad. I also just read on the internet that Zoloft can increase anger and there was an article that said a women killed her husband while taking it. Although, I know it probably wasn't just the Zoloft that caused her to kill him it still worries me.
I don't want to take a med that could cause me more anger. I know I would take all these side effects if it stops my anxiety, but I wanted to know if anyone of you guys have had the same side effects. Ive also read a lot of people saying that you should take SSRI's so it worries me and makes me feel that I should stop taking Zoloft. But then again it scares me to get off of it because I know how hard it was to get adjusted while on it.
I think my biggest fear is my anxiety getting to the point is was before and if I feel even a little anxious I feel as though Im going to fall down the hill again.
Although I know my post was kind of negative towards Sertaline it has helped me tremendously you just have to stick with it and not give up within the first couple of weeks. It does take time but I eventually got there and I still feel better I just have to realize I'm going to have small bumps I have to get across!
I also had some issues with work, but luckily they're being very supportive, and for now, only a few people know - I'm not sure how I'll tell people, because I'm sure they suspect something serious is up. It's sad that it's almost frowned upon to have mental health issues; but I've had to overcome this as the more I stress, the less likely I am to get better; though it really frustrates me and hurts me, as I want to get back to work. When it comes to telling people, you shouldn't feel obliged to tell people; depending on your colleagues, you're likely to become part of their discussions, which is a pretty hard thing to think about. But it's not always that they're being negative, people talk, it's what we all do. And remember, this will all be in the past pretty soon. If you're not comfortable with it, then just brush it aside, and with time, people will forget.
I've taken the majority of people's advice that you should let your doctor know when you're in my position; and now I'm being phased into Mirtazapine - which isn't an SSRI, but the 'older' tricyclic medication; from what I've heard it generally helps and has a lot less side effects than SSRIs, with the downfall of weight gain. I suffered from such appalling insomnia as a result of the anxiety etc to the point that I was scared of it coming to night time..
So my journey is continuing, and definitely don't be afraid, to those that are 'unsure'. At the end of the day, you know yourself better than any other, and antidepressants don't affect us all in the same way.
Good luck all!
mary95550 Loco_estrella
Hi Loco , it took 8 weeks plus before I felt any relief ,so don't give up hope . I'm on 50mg , the doctor thought it would probably be better to be on the 100mg strength ,for my anxiety ,but as yet I haven't gone up any further , and I'm feeling good. I checked out online , how quickly this meds would work ,as I like you was getting fed up ,then one day I just woke up feeling better. Everyone different ,please don't give up Loco as it will work ,it might just take another week or two. I know that's difficult, when you don't feel well ,but my advice is to stick through it for a little longer ,and it will work soon. Hope this helps you ,remember your not alone , so if you need us ,just reach out and we will be here for you God bless x
I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to read your original post and realise that I am not the only one who needs a good rant about this!!
I've been trying to explain to people for years that I'm not purposely feeling flat and unhappy, or that I'm not creating my own anxiety for the fun of it - it just is what it is and I'm getting help for it.
I've been back on sertraline for about 3 months now (100mg) for anxiety, and am additionally taking propranolol, omeprazole and today have ALSO been prescribed temazepam on a short term basis to help with my insomnia. I feel like a walking medicine cabinet, but I know that ultimately it will help to rebalance me and deal with things better (I hope!!).
I suppose it is hard for people to understand mental illness if they have never had any experience of it, but for some reason we are frowned upon by many, rather than supported or attempted to be understood. I also would love to print out your post and send it to every single person I know
I wish you all the luck with your journey, and thank you again for your post.
jeff80717 Loco_estrella
Your post is exactly me. Thank you!!! Before I go on are you still active on this site? I really wanted to ask you about my Situation. I'm on day 6 of Zoloft and want to quit. I'm taking it for depression and anxiety that has crippled me. Anxiety is the worst of it! I'm scared to continue the medication but feel like if I don't I will never come out of this?! I was given Xanax but I'm scared of getting addicted to that so I white knuckle it all day miserable and then use it for sleep which only last 2 hours!!! Please tell me your thoughts on staying on Zoloft and pushing through the bad side effects.
EJP Loco_estrella
hey i thought i'd share my experience since im on day 6 of 50 mg. Im 19 years old 160 pounds, ive been on a couple of meds that gave me side effects, and i thought zoloft was going to be the same from the first couple days. I felt tired but couldnt sleep at all, couldnt eat, and i was sweating like crazy whenever i went outside. these kept on for the first 4 days but last night i got one of the best nights of sleep i've had in a while and im feeling really good. Definetely have alot of energy and its making me alot more tolerable to stressful situations. Sometimes the medicines not for you everyone is different biologically but its working for me! goodluck to everyone on it keep with it