Sticky foreskin/glans makes retracting foreskin over penis head uncomfortable
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Whenever I have sex or masturbate, I find that I experience discomfort when my foreskin moves up and down. I think this is caused by the inside of my foreskin being sticky. This means that the foreskin doesn't glide smoothly, it kind of peels down like a sticker when I retract it over the glans.
This isn't caused by any fluid or discharge. I used to use soap to clean my penis but for a while I've just used water as I read this was preferable, however it hasn't got any better since the change.
My penis has always been quite sensitive and it is still sometimes uncomfortable when the exposed head rubs against clothes, which tends to happen occasional when wearing boxers as my foreskin is relatively small and sometimes retracts behind the head on its own. I used to think that my discomfort was caused by the foreskin being too small and have worked on stretching it before, however I am now thinking that without the stickiness it would function okay.
I am 21 years old and used to produce a lot of smegma before I started actively washing my penis but I don't get it any more.
Any help would be much appreciated, this has been causing me considerable distress.
It's really hard to describe, almost like the skin is sticky or tacky but not wet. When I retract the foreskin with my fingers, it doesn't slide down instantly, it kind of slowly follows.
p.s. circumcision is certainly not a valid answer at this stage so please refrain from any such debate.
Edit: I have also tried proper lube before. While this helps for a couple of minutes, I find it quickly dries out/becomes thick and makes the discomfort worse.
Another thing I have noticed is that my penis head has a textured feel and does not look as smooth as other uncut penises I have seen.
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jay75366 matt27183
Hi Matt, I have had the same issue for the past 2 years after I took a supplement (Mastic gum) and I agree with Julian about the hormonal cause. It looks like that supplement messed up with my hormones. I went to the Urologist several times 2 different doctors and they don't know how to help. They prescribed me HCG hormone and even though my testosterone increased it didn't help with the dryness and the sticky foreskin, It feels like I am not producing the natural oils I used to and I haven't found a way to treat this. Any update please let me know, thanks
JS3481 matt27183
This thread seems somewhat dead now, but I just stumbled upon it and it has really made me feel better knowing there are people out there with the same unexplainable condition as me. I would like to share my story for anyone else who might stumble across it.
I had tight foreskin in my teenage years and was too embarrassed to say anything as I live with my grandparents (although probably usual as a teenager I suppose) I found a very helpful forum dedicated to stretching for phimosis and began the stretching exercises and to my surprise it worked wonders and I was able to fix the tight foreskin. I had extremely bad smegma build up from not being able to retract my foreskin for 16 or so years, I would have to scrub it in the shower and it was hardened and covered almost the entire glans from the point where I was able to retract to before I started the stretching exercises which was probably about 15% of the glans.
Fast forward to now I've just turned 21, I've had the issues matt is describing for as long as I can remember since being able to retract. sticky, shiny glans that makes the foreskin stick and almost peel down instead of roll down etc., However my penis head has always been quite a deep red colour in the areas where the stickiness happens which is about 70% of the head as well as a little patch underneath my peehole all of which coincide with where the smegma had crusted over for all those years, I sort of ignored it as it wasn't that bad and didn't really cause many problems other than the stickiness, sometimes the redness would flare up after masturbating but would return to 'normal' within a few hours. however, it has never really looked like a healthy penis.
A month a half ago is when my condition took a turn for the worse when I slightly tore my frenulum when I was masturbating and it bled quite a bit. It was a small cut and healed within a week but I suspect it was a gateway for bacteria as I began to get classic symptoms of balanitis, itching, soreness, little cracks opening in my foreskin that would sting quite badly. Went to see a GP who prescribed clotrimazole, which I used for two weeks with next to no improvement and ended up having a reaction to the cream which made my foreskin and head look like it had been burnt. Was definitely one of the most terrifying things to happen to me in my life so far. Thankfully the reaction cleared up quite quickly and was mostly gone within 2 days. I went back to the docs and saw a different doctor as the one I had previously seen was unavailable, explained to him the situation and how I thought I had an allergic reaction and showed him a pic. He then proceeded to try and prescribe me the same cream! He was young and seemed inexperienced so consulted with another doctor at the practice who suggested it might be bacterial so I had a swab taken and was prescribed a 7 day course of flucloxacillin.
The problem I've ran into now is that, the swab results came back and did indeed indicate bacteria which flucloxacillin would be effective against, I'm 6 days into the antibiotics course and i've seen little to no improvement which really worries me. My head and foreskin are inflamed and swollen more than ever and the stickiness is so bad that It literally tore a little bit of my skin off the head and made it bleed. The skin on the head of my penis seems so thin and wrinkled and is peeling like mad. Every morning when I wake up my foreskin is swollen twice the size it should be and feels sticky and horrible to touch aswell as the head of my penis. The swelling goes down after an hour or two but the stickiness and sensitivity (borderline pain) remains.
I should mention I have never had sex so an STD is out of the question.
I will be going back to the docs after finishing the last of these antibiotics and I suspect I will be seeing a urologist or dermatologist. Will probably update soon.
SteAnd JS3481
Dead thread yes... but did you (or someone else) find a solution for this?
GianniPapari matt27183
john80670 matt27183
Had the same thing ever since i got told i was diabetic my penis gland is purple and red and soar itchy all the time, been putting Canesten everyday for two years but nothing changes and my doctor is rubbish.
keshav5900 matt27183
i am getting same situation the worst decision in my case was using soap at first case, i was getting smegma 3 months ago and used soap which caused something like infection and made my foreskin stick rushed to doctor who made it worse by antibacterial cream, i used coconut oil which helped and my skin was sticking which got me worried and have whitish deposit on skin and one doctor recommended emollient cream which i used after the application of anti bacterial cream after 2 days and got high inflammations nd redness on which got me to doctor and then i got a vitamin d course
situation from past 2-3 months is i m experiencing little hard sticky retraction fine when moist with water but getting so much cheesy white deposit getting of which is endless to clean and when i get aggressive to clean it shows redness which start to feel burning any ideas how can prevent that cleaning part?
dale19773 matt27183
hi, i have this problem too, ive just never managed to seek advice
Tone94593 matt27183
Hi all, @julian51851 @joseph321 @dip47256 @mj22162 @ben80318 @ml66uk @Guest @alaa13216 @andrew03554 @anon67069 @john80670 @dale19773 @keshav5900 @GianniPapari @JS3481
Just wondering if anyone has managed to overcome this issue now it's been a few years?
I also have the issue now. It started about 8 months ago. I am wondering if we can find any patterns or similarities in what all of us eat; shower gel we use; deodorant we use; laundry detergent etc.? There has got to be a shared factor between all of us that is causing this.
jack17470 matt27183
hey guys, i have the same exact problem as described here and i'll put a lot of info in this post to see if some you can relate and we can bounce ideas off of eachother about why this is happening and how to fix it
This started for me about 2 years ago after a sex session where my penis got irritated and swollen. Since then its been a nightmare and have went to two top urologists who had no answers like everyone else. I've had balantitis in the past a few times and used steroid cream and anti fungal and it worked in the past but this time it was clear it was something different going on. It almost seems like my penis is just always slightly swollen and irritated and the foreskin wraps around it too tightly and irritates it a bit more. I've been using a very small amount of aquaphor every single day on my penile shaft which seems to tame the burning sensation so that its tolerable to deal with
What i think is happening based on my research and digging through information these last couple of years is that everytime you have a rough sex session or masturbation that was too rough then the penis or the foreskin gets microtears which causes it to swell up and never be the same again. I've had a long history with phimosis type symptoms where its always been a bit challenging for me to get my foreskin pulled back fully especially when i'm errect. My foreskin has always been tight so i'm wondering if this is common with all of us?
From my understanding if we all have tight foreskin then what could be happening is that our foreskin is basically strangling our penis head and wrapped too tightly against it and this might only get worse with time since everytime we have rough sex or masturbation we swell up again and the issue just gets worse and worse. In conclusion, i think the only permanent fix for this can be to get circumsized so that the foreskin is no longer tightly wrapped around the penis head and irritating it
What do you guys think?
PS. The small bits of aquaphor i've been applying on my penis daily for the past year or so have helped drastically, before i used the aquaphor the irritation and slight burning sensation was so annoying that i wasn't in the mood and didn't want to have sex with my girlfriend and it caused me some issues for a long time. So i suggest in the meantime while we're trying to figure this out to atleast try to use a small bit of aquaphor daily on the penis head to give you atleast some relief. Looking forward to hearing from some of you, thanks
me65763 matt27183
I have had this condition for some years now. Before sharing my experience, I need to distinguish between the original issue and some other issues raised here. The original issue is this seemingly random stickiness of the penis head/glans. The best description for the issue I've seen is that it resembles adhesive tape. This is exactly what it feels like. I'm not sure about anyone else but this happened to be a couple of days after having unprotected sex. Originally it came with an off smell like nothing I've smelled before. The smell eventually faded with washing, but I was left with this annoying stickiness. The good news is that I did fix it at first and I will share exactly how. After doing my best to read up on this, I decided that it was a yeast infection. It made sense to me that yeast would be sticky and the thing about the scent seemed to fit. From all indications, I needed a topical treatment for the least. The main reason treating it as a typical yeast infection won't work, as many have shared here, is moisture due to the foreskin. So after getting a cream, I had to find a way to keep my foreskin back. My solution was to bore a hole in a sock, that way I could urinate and tuck my penis away, but the head could remain exposed and the cream would work. With the condition, the head was almost grey, and the cream made it feel like a layer of plastic. After about 3 days I would come to find this layer peeling off. Beneath I could see my regular glans and I was happy. This extra layer affects sensitivity and was so annoying. After about another day of using the cream, I could peel all of the layers away and the stickiness went away. My conclusion is that this is some sort of yeast infection that will only go away with a dry penis that is being treated. I forgot to mention that I, unfortunately, had to avoid a shower in those three days to let the cream work and I had to not masturbate as well. I used a generic chloramizole cream. However, after going right back to masturbating some months after I noticed that the issue returned and I haven't had luck getting rid of it since although it is not as severe as the first time. I've attempted twice to see the glory of that layer of fungus peel off, but I suspect I've not been as dedicated to keeping the entire head dry as I first was. Anyway, I made this account just to let you guys know that there is hope. It is quite annoying though that there is no official medical advice to be found anywhere online for this. My final advice is that if you already have candida-related issues, now might be a good time to give up sugar and do other activities related to treating candida. I'm not a doctor, I just battled with this issue and won once. The fact that Julian had luck after being circumcised tells me that a lack of moisture contributes to treatment significantly. If you can use topical and oral treatment at once that would be great too. Good luck!
alyn98775 matt27183
I have a similar condition to matt but went to the hospital for a fungal test which showed no infection, but I have noticed that my glans skin peels off when it is dry, does anyone else have dry, peeling skin(I suspect it's the flakes that come off that get sticky in the humidity)?