stiff and achy 14 months post surgical menopause
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Hi Ladies
I'm 15 months post TAH BSO and just taken the dog for a walk (daily activity). Felt like I was 110. Hips, knees even toes were aching and shoulders stiff. I've tried cod liver oil before and decided it didn't seem to help much. Been reading up on it and recommended for hot flushes and depression but not my achy symptoms. I'm taking daily Menopace (Tesco's version but same contents) Calcium supplement and Vitamin B12 supplement. Been on these for ages. Also doing yoga stretches. Already mentioned to Dr and she put it down to being 45 and life is not perfect! Looking for a better answer- any suggestions? Would higher dose of Cod Liver oil help- my dose seems to be 400.
Look forward to your suggestions. Also excessive fatigue
Taking Elleste Solo 2mg.
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I'm presently also suffering badly with hands/feet (especially bad during the night/morning/evening). I'm off to a Rheumatologist next month (I also blame lack of hormones due to having ovaries removed). I have refused HRT but the night / day sweats were awful. What I would recommend (and they have really helped) is Chlonidine. I found this on an Australian website regarding menopause. I take three tablets at night and they have stopped me waking up with that dreadful night sweat(s). If you do get them, I would recommend increasing slowly e.g. 1 extra tablet every two weeks. Chlonidine is for blood pressure but your GP can look in the MIMS book and they are also for hormonal sweats.
Look after yourself.
Thank you for your reply. Chlonidine was one of the things I tried prior to my hysterectomy to help deal with hot flushes but I never got on with it. I felt awful using it and don't want to go back to it. I'm trying to find a
natural solution as already taking HRT and no longer suffering with night sweats. I went to health food shop today and she recommended combined oil capsule of fish oil and flax oil and star oil 1200 dose (much
higher than my previous cod liver oil dose) and a separate magnesium (citrate) tablet which is better
absorbed into system and again a much higher dose than in the normal menopause vitamin type things you can buy. I will give them a proper test taking full dose before I run back to Drs. I find it difficult to know
whether it is bones or muscles aching-does that make sense?. Strangely enough my hands have been ok
so far- touch wood but everything else including my jaw has had a turn at aching
I had a full hysterectomy in July 13 everything gone... Ovaries. Womb, cervix and was put on Tibalone had No effect what so ever, so Clonidine was added 2 twice a day helped slightly with the flushes in the day but not in the night - anti - depressants was then added - Lustral 50 mg and basically blew my brains and it was while I was on all the meds that the muscle/bone pains started - mostly my upper back and neck - the flushes stopped but then I had to endure insomnia as well
So I stopped taking everything for 2 weeks all my pains disappeared and went back to my Dr's
I'm 48 by the way and had the hysterectomy due to endometriosis
Dr then started me on Estelle Solo 1 mg - and again no help at all so after 4 weeks upped the dose to 2mg
I now have all the pain in my back again and generally ache everywhere
Going back now on the 20th Jan to try something else
As I'm sure the hormone tablets are causing all this pain and weakness I feel
If I could feel normal for just ONE day I'd take it
Good luck
since first posting I went to a health food shop who recommended Very strong dose of magnesium and extra strong dose of Omega oils- mixture of fish oil, star oil and flax seed oil.
There is definitely an improvement - I would say I have ranged between age 45 (real age) and aged 95 since taking it rather than hovering at age 110 and I've been noticeably improved.
I decided to have chlonidine rather than go on HRT. What I discovered on the internet is that you have to start on one tablet a night and then increase to two tablets (two weeks later). I then increased to three tablets a night (another two weeks later). This allows for the body to get used to the tablets without any reactions. For me, I found that two tablets a night was not enough, but three was perfect and I now do not get hot flushes during the night.
During the interim period of increasing the quantity, I bought a cool mat sheet from the internet. It cost around Ā£12. I was skeptical but actually it is brilliant When the hot flush began, I grabbed the small blue mat and lay out it (it is like a deep freeze and cools you down very quickly - luxury!!). The only sight downside is that the mat lasts around 30 mins before it warms up to body temperature but in hindsight, if I had bought two, then I could have swapped.
I do have two tablets prescribed for the day but have held off.
After my second ovary was removed I suffered from pain and swelling of my hands, I ended up having two seperate carpel tunnel operations but it only solved the pins % needles and not the pain/swelling. My feet have now joined in!!! (and backs of knees), so off to a Rheumatologist next week to see what they can do.
Hope you find an answer that suits you to the night sweats as I feel very sorry for you (they used to wake me up around three times a night).
I too started on one Cloridine as well and gradually went up to two each night and morning - but they just we're not working for me
I just want to take one tablet everyday like most "normal women" to control all this
Physically I have recovered extremely well from my hysterectomy - but mentally it's all very draining and has made me quite anxious at times
My bedroom is icecold - I still have my thin summer quilt on the bed - and my poor husband will be wearing a bobble hat soon lol..
I also still take Menopace and I was on cohosh and bought the lady magnet - anything to feel normal
I will keep trying!!