Posted , 6 users are following.
I have stiffness and aches and pains all over my body. Is this normal for menopause also feel a stiffness in my face anyone else feel this??
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Posted , 6 users are following.
I have stiffness and aches and pains all over my body. Is this normal for menopause also feel a stiffness in my face anyone else feel this??
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Trevis ali43641
lenie95046 ali43641
kim94523 ali43641
This is what I posted on another web site on 2/19... very similar to yours!
Anyone else feel like exercise makes everything WORSE now?
Advertisement[Kimk1967]By Kimk1967 · February 19, 2015 at 8:19 pm · 14 replies
In Managing menopause symptoms
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HI All, me AGAIN. I know I post a lot but you all have become my unwitting therapists and I don't know if I could handle this without you so, thanks!
So, I have joint and muscle pain that has increased exponentially in the last year (since Peri started with a vengeance). AND I pull muscles VERY easily. If I lift something that is a couple pounds the wrong way, I will pull a muscle. I pulled a muscle flushing a commercial toilet that had a hard to push handle! I was in a sling for a week!
Background: I was VERY active my whole life. An Aerobics instructor and competitive figure skater in my 20s and 30s. NOW, I move like an old woman. It hurts to get in and out of the car... It hurts to get up and down from the couch and I have to lean on things to do it. It hurts to go down stairs -- my knees KILL.
My elbows, neck and shoulders have sharp shooting pains at times and achy all the time. I know moving is important so I have tried to do light exercise many times over the last year. This week, I walked 3x for 20-30 minutes, and the 30 minute walks were broken into one 15 in the a.m. and one 15 in the p.m. Today, I can barely move as a result. You would think I went to some hard-core training camp and lifted weights lifting and did Burpees. All I did is walk! In supportive shoes... and not that fast! I strolled by most people's standards.
When the joint pain, stiffness and muscle pulls first started happening almost one year to the day, I thought FOR SURE I had polymyocitis (my dad and grandma had it) or arthritis or worse. But I have been tested and tested and tested again. I don't have ANYTHING. In the meantime, exercise used to make me HAPPY and give me an adrenaline rush. Now, I feel WORSE after I exercise...MUCH WORSE.
I am crying as I write this. I am too young to feel this old.
Anyone else experience this symptom?
Does anything help? I am already on Bio-ID topical Estrogen and Progest and a host of vitamins and minerals. I go to see a "Western Med" doc in March. He'll probably want to put me on HRT pills or the patch. I just might do it. I am scared to death to get cancer from them, but I feel and act like a "sick" person now...what to do... what to do...
Thanks for any advice you can give and for always listening my cyber friends.
fofoma ali43641
lulu99310 ali43641
I felt so old i stopped dying my hair, i even stopped going out, i now do all my do all my shopping online .
It has had a really negative impact on my body and me as a person, i am now battling with this sudden dull pain i get when i get up from bed in the morning not sure if it`s my fallopian tubes or my gallbladder or my kidney`s..
Anyway yes i have had all the aches and pains and stiffness and fuzzy head really heavy down pour menstruation , the periods have become very light and spasmodic but still get the fuzzy head and the aches and pains.
I just take each day at a time but what i have found is when one pain disappears from a part of my anatomy another pain springs up some were else.
Just use common sense with the pain killers keep life as simple as possible get plenty of rest , don,t drink alcohol or smoke.
gill00147 ali43641
trudy77450 ali43641
lulu99310 ali43641