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I had Atroscopic surgery on my left knee 9 weeks ago. The swelling has gone down but the knee joints are very stiff especially when I get up in the morning. I have a pool in the complex and swim back stroke twice a day and do walking in the water and Aqua Cycling. Its alright after the swim but I still get this occasional pulling pain from the back of my knee joint when I walk. I can go for walks but get tired and need to rest the knee. I know it's early days but how Long would it take before the stiffness go off.
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Imacolatta devinder13139
NG1962 Imacolatta
Imacolatta devinder13139
NG1962 Imacolatta
I would be keen to see what your surgeon says in your next visit. My one said I'm a bit impatience and I see the initial results after at least six months. My next visit is in June. I feel exactly feel your frustration as I am in the same boat! Are you still taking medications for swelling? I do. If I don't take them they get so swollen that I can barely get up from bed. I do my exercises twice a day and have a regular visit to my PT. let me know how you getting on. I feel that I have found someone who's the situation like mine! Thanks
Imacolatta NG1962
NG1962 Imacolatta
NG1962 Imacolatta
How are your knees? Did you have the appointment with your surgeon?
Imacolatta NG1962
NG1962 Imacolatta
Imacolatta devinder13139
Hello! Wondering how your knee is doing? The swelling returned on mine about 2 weeks after the cortisone injections. It's pretty consistent that physical activity causes massive swelling and pain
. I started going to the gym because my rom is back, but immediately afterwards my leg was giving out constantly. Hope you're doing better!
NG1962 Imacolatta
Hello, thanks for your message. I am just about to go to 21 weeks since my operation. I stopped my PT last week as I thought is turning to a waste of money! I have started the gym workout mostly upper body workout and signed in with a personal trainer and I have to admit I feel stronger already. The knees still swells in the evening but I'm reaching to stage that it won't last as long as before normally a day or two. It's definitely improving in its own pace!!
The surgeon said to me it takes at least 6 months and I saw a guy that he had the same surgery at the gym and he said it took 18 months and still swells if he has high impact activities. So it shows there is no fast recovery so be patient.
But do you feel a bit better? If yes it shows you are improving but slowly. Cheers,
Imacolatta NG1962
So glad to hear you're doing a bit better! It gives me hope. I actually did the same, i hired a personal trainer who specializes in injuries, go to the gym 5 times a week. But without fail, after the gym, my knee balloons up, and i can barely walk for the rest of the day. It's so frustrating, and since mine is workers comp related, i have to wait for approval for the MRI that my Dr is requesting.
In some ways, it's a bit better. My ROM is much improved, though i still can't squat or sit on my knees. Though i've been trying to focus on quad strength, my knee still 'gives out' occassionaly, and often buckles =( My Dr is waiting on the MRI, but he mentioned the possibility of a TKR or PKR which i *really really* don't want to do. I just CANNOT imagine having to go through this again.
I'll keep you posted & congrats on your healing!
NG1962 Imacolatta
Ah thanks:-) How your knees doing? Mine has improved a lot but I still have a bit of pain and cant sit on my knees. I think now the winter is over and the weather is improving my knees has improved a lot. I am going 5 times a week to the gym and do all sort of strengthening exercises which helps with the recovery. Gosh it is nice to get back a little bit to a normal life but still long way for me to get back to my previous acitivities like hiking, mountain biking etc but I am happy with the improvement...
Are you doing exercise bike everyday, I think for me that was the key to recovery. I've been going through pain everytime I do some sort of exercise but I see the next day my knees are feeling better.
Hope all goes well with your knees and keep me posted!
Imacolatta devinder13139
Hey!! So, all these issues ive been having. I ended up having an MrI with contrast, which showed a meniscal tear. I knew i wasnt insane with all this pain! I have to have another surgery though, which im absolutely dreading
Hope youre doing better!