Still bleeding at my age!
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Well i have come to my own conclusion that the menopause is a mystery just like our creation as individuals. There is not one Doctor in the land that can give you the answers you are looking for to your own individual menopause questions, and why ? because they don,t know themselves for all their 6 years of training.
I am still bleeding at 56 and i am not about to run off to a doctor to find out why when all they do is poke and prod around looking for the answers themselves.
No my motto is put up shut up get on with life because life is too short figuring out what this menopause is doing to me as an individual.
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irene20565 lulu99310
I still find it depressing in this age of great medical advances that the things that blight most people's lives the most remain a total mystery.
It is a cause of stress and anger, I have come to the saying " what will be will be" and leave it in the hands of fate.
Thank god for these kind of sites, at least I know it is not just me.
Such is life.
lulu99310 irene20565
To my disappointment 6 years ago i decided i no longer needed a GP and that i should take control of my own health matters and it was the best decision i made. For me i just see the menopause as another path of life just like when i was a young girl then a teenager and a young woman and so.
BellaRubia irene20565
chica lulu99310
we clutch at straws!
shaznay96184 lulu99310
I'm sitting in bed with an aching womb. Think my 'honeymoon' period ('cuse the pun!) May be over. Got the mother of all periods - my husband thought I was having a nosebleed in the shower last night - until he saw the 'lump of liver' that plopped out!!!
Like you, I'm still bleeding. I'm 54 and my sisters were all post-meno at my age. Cows!! Truth is, I'm a bit like my mum, a bit of a tough nut, so don't give in to a pain or twinges, or anything I could self-treat - we just got on with it!
Unlike my lil' brave ol' mum' I've never been ill in my life, take no meds an
d hate the thought of having to start. But think this bloody Peri/Meno mi
ght change that.
Feel really OK at the mo. Started taking Menopace Original and some Bioidentical Progesterone Cream in Jan. Whether I was so low in all those mins/vits I can't say, but really feel 'happy' and the aching joints are so much better. Also topping up Magnesium. Still go into one/rant but I was like that anyway.!
Only found this forum before Xmas when I was feeling very low. Felt v.emotional, which is not me, but have been like this for a good few yrs at this time. Recognise now I really miss parents/in-laws at this time, as doe
s my husband for the same reason, and we'll probably get like this every year now. Finding this forum then has been a magical find!!
You're right. We're all different, but all go through the same changes in different ways. I'll go 'commando' as long as I can, but won't rule out HRT for me. My mums poor bones would make this a good choice for me. At the mo I don't have hot flushes as such so will "Carry on (......Regardless, its only the Menopause"I'll get a T-shirt with that on!!) as long as I think I can't stand it any more.
My sisters loved their HRT. Next one up to me (62) has taken it for 7yrs. Her GP has 'attempted' to get her to wean off it: Doc was either silly or re
ally brave to suggest that as this sis ain't having any of it! She's currently sweat-free on HRT!!!!
She keeps telling me to take it but to be honest, I have 2 angles on this. One being I'd hate to just defer all this crap and have it all start up all over again when I come off HRT. And the other is the later I start taking it, the older I'll be when they want to take me off it, by which time I won't give a monkeys who I upset/what I do ha ha!!!
Blimey! I am feeling sorry for myself today. This must be my longest, 'poor me' post I've put on here :-) !! Lulu, I love your attitude and hope, like
me, I hope you have someone significant in your life to support/listen to you through all this. Me and my ol' man still laugh, giggle and don't take
or selves too seriously. I'd say my inherited sense of humour is probably my saviour.
Laughing is a great tonic ladies. We should all try to get our daily dose :-) !!
lulu99310 shaznay96184