Still feeling like crap

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Its been a while since I posted anything but I am still here and I still feel terrible.I read some self help books on anxiety and felt almost like I could do this,but now I feel just as hopeless as before.I cant tell if I just have an anxiety disorder or if this is peri.I just turned 43 in Nov and this hell started back in July.It started with my daughter getting sick and then I got sick and started to worry that I had all kinds of cancers,then came lack of sleep and that is when all the problems escalated.I have woke up every morning for 6 months with churning stomach and these weird rushes.It makes my day suck from the anxiety.I still have regular periods,but this anxiety is crippling me.I feel like a ghost or a shell of the person I was.Somedays the anxiety is so bad I dont feel real like I cant remember who I am anymore.I try to do my daily routine and accept the anxiety instead of fearing it ,but it is so hard.I am scared to be alone because I fear insanity.I was a strong confident woman 6 Months ago now I am a shell.Does anybody else feel this bad?Somedays the sadness is unbearable because I just want to be my old self.Does this sound like peri or just pure anxiety.Please tell me peri isnt this bad.Please dont recommend medicine because I dont believe that is the answer for me.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    this happened to me at 41 EXACTLY what youve written i could have written that myself . i think its peri and now im 52 going through meno.

    i just learned to manage it best i could but i never got back to the old me im

    sorry to say

  • Posted

    Hi, Beth. Right there with you. 2 years and 3 months no period though. Feels like I've aged 20 years. Turned 50 a week ago. This started at 43 and has been down hill since. Body aches and pains, psoriasis recurrences. Weight gain. Dizziness so bad I can't drive most days. Nausea to the point of vomitting today. Don't even want to look in the mirror cuz what I see is NOT the strong, self supporting single mom I used to be. Hair falling out. Sleep deprivation. Blah, blah, blah. Been researching bhrt creams. I've heard good things about them. This sure doesn't feel like a natural process we're going through.

  • Posted

    hi beth, i can relate to all of this, just turned 42 and been feeling crap almost constantly for the past 2 years, though the past 6 months have been awful, so i decided to try and antidepressant a month ago, its been a fairly rough ride settling into my system but im starting to see some relief - sleep is getting better and have had some mornings this week where i have woken up relaxed, which has been amazing, im still up and down but its starting to level off a bit so hoping the next few weeks will see more improvement. ADs get a bad rep espicially on this forum, but they really can help if you ride out the side effects and are patient, our hormones are all over the pace and its affects the levels of serotonin in the brain, and antidepressants just try to fix that, its worth giving th a go if you haven't already, here for you xx

  • Posted

    oh, my dear Beth... as I Read this with tears in my eyes... I can totally feel the pain you are going through... i could have written this post... ive been in meno two years... peri hit me out of the blue dec of 2016...

    it has been an absolute struggle most days... please know that you are not alone and certainly not going crazy... ive questioned my sanity many times, too....

    please check in with this forum.. these wonderful ladies have helped me tremendously ...hugs friend.. we are all here for you ❤

  • Posted

    Hi Beth, I feel your pain. 2 years into Peri and I'm only a she'll of my former self. Anxiety has been the toughest thing to cope with, but I found something that helped its Ashwagada , its all herbal and really does help. Its only the very odd time i get a really bad bout of anxiety nowdays, try it and see how it goes, takes about a week to start kicking in . xx

  • Posted

    I have had anxiety most of my life, mildly, as soon as I started going through this premenopausal crap it really got bad. I have full blown panic attacks now. Here are a few things that have helped me deal with it without medicine. If I've had a bad night and didn't sleep well and I feel run down, this is a big trigger, try to stay in your comfort zone at times like these. Keep the caffeine at a minimum, this is also a trigger. If you smoke, cut down when you feel it's going to be one of those days, it helps with the "I can't breathe" . Keep cool water at hand, because it will help you cool down, I get hot when one hits then I'm freezing as soon as it's over. After a bad one I take a nap, as soon as possible because they drain me. It sucks I know, but just keep in mind that you're going to be fine, I know its hard when you're in the middle of it, but know it will pass. I read somewhere that if you invite it to come then brace for it and fight it, once it's over you know the worst is over and the rest will be nothing in comparison. It hits worst a few day before the start of bleeding, during the beginning, then returns a few days after. If you can't fight it alone please get some help. Keep a period tracker, if I'm feeling off for a few days I just check that and then I know it's just hormones and I'm not losing my mind. I also drink a couple of beers, just two, at night before bedtime when I've bad day and sleep great that night. You won't of course perfect this immediately, but with practice it really helps. I struggle every day with this, and the only thing that keeps me going is the it will someday be over. Good luck Beth, and be strong. Also I quit smoking and it has helped, this too was a huge struggle.

  • Posted

    yes its bad, im in menopaue now i cant work, go out much or function, depressed, anxious feel so ill, nothing works for me, frightening if you find anything please share. thanks

    • Posted

      im the same love been going through this 11 years since peri started. i manage to live life but its limited ..get so anxious driving and just cant make it more than a few miles from home .

      ivd basically got used to living this way which is no life when i see my friends out all the time ....driving wherever they want to.

      on top of the meno i have mono ebv so its a double whammy .

      ive tried several different anti depressants but find they dont work for anxiety and they just make you hyper so that you dont lie in bed all day ....

      if anybody has a cure for panic and anxiety let me know ! i dont want to live off xanax for the rest of my life !

  • Posted

    Beth - please know that you are not alone. What you have shared describes so much of what I experienced out of the blue starting in June at the age of 50. I ache reading it and my eyes get watery as it so resonates with my experience. I had never experienced these feelings or physical symptoms before and it was so awful. I would look at myself in the mirror and cry and wonder what was happening to me - it was frightening!!!! It really was. The fear of never being "myself" again was daily. I was barely functioning. I do know that some women get through peri without trying any medicine - I thought the same and had hoped for the same but by mid August I was desperate and never in my life at the age of 50 did I ever think I would consider taking something but I was humbled beyond humbled and realized I couldn't go on the way I was going. In my case I did an over the counter wild yam cream at Whole Foods here in the States. 5 months later and I am back to myself and it feels like a miracle. I am hopeful that by just hearing some encouragement from other women here on the forum will give you that extra boost to know that you are NOT in this alone and we are all sharing in this tough journey and to find comfort in knowing that many of us can relate with so much of what you are feeling. Take care, Beth.

  • Posted

    This is EXACTLY how i feel and yes, it is just horrible. I have gradually got worse over the years but it started around the age of 43 really bad, I'm now 46 and some days it's all i can do yo just get up... I can't think straight, I ache everywhere and the exhaustion is just horrific... I too am a shell of the once vibrant person i was.. I'm using HRT patches but to be honest i don't feel any relief at all.

    I'm beginning to think there is no answer other than time - I'm just hoping in years to come my body will adjust and things will get better?? I just don't know as nothing seems to help.

    Sorry I'm not much use but you are not alone so please know this and keep posting as we're all here for you. Thinking of you and hoping today is a better day for you.

    AJ. xx

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