Still feeling sick
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Hello again . Just when I thought everything was going so well these symptoms come back again . I have been on anti depressants since the end of January when I felt like I was having a breakdown . I had been unwell with numerous problems for a few months . Anaemia due to heavy periods , unsettled stomach , general aches and pains , migraines and headaches . I even went to A&E with chest pains , but after a thorough check up from a consultant was told that it was all down to anxiety . I'd had a lot to deal with in the previous few months following my mums death . Each time I have visited the doctor they have put it down to a mixture of grief , anxiety and my age as I'm 48 . The thing is this full feeling in my stomach has come back along with nausea . I feel like if I push my stomach it makes me feel more nauseous . When I get this I keep coming over really hot , but is it the nausea causing the heat surge or the heat causing the nausea ? I don't have any pain . I did just have a period that was heavy , stopped but I've still had an ache low down then this morning two days after I finished I had a bit of blood in my discharge . Are all these things related ? Is it peri ? I just want to know what this stomach issue is . Has anyone else had this . I hate it and I really don't want to continue feeling like this . I really think I should go to the doctor but my husband and daughter say that it's nothing to worry about , but they're not the ones feeling like this . I hate feeling sick like this . Jane x
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monique_93857 jane63977
debbie75601 jane63977
Shelly0069 jane63977
yes the nausea, I get........I have even wrote in here for advice, the last few weeks have been terrible, the nausea espicially.
I do suffer with acid reflux, but for me the nausea was terrible and my medication ( Lanssoprazole ) wasn't really helping, I ended up going to Boots and asking a Pharmacupital for advice and was adviced on Pepto Bismol which ..............worked!!!!!!!!! Certainly helped with the nausea. Helped me anyway. And now take this when I get nausea,
i did as well go and see my GP prior, he would NOTbgive me anything as my symptoms I gave to him thinks I may be annemic?????
So I'm booked in for blood works for June as I'm experiencing tiered'ness even though I get 8-9 hours sleep, nausea,and fatigue and crashing fatigue !!. Hope this helps a little????.
jane63977 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 jane63977
yep have all those symptoms.
had for 2 years now espicially the achy body ( I even remember going to my a chemist and telling the Pharmacupital ) my symptoms " that my body ached so badly like I'd ran a marathon the prior day / or done a heavy work out at the gym) bloody looked at me like I was nuts!!!!!!!
ive since found it to be FATIGUE!!
and I get crashing fatigue with it as well??!!
every symptom you get YESS I do to and a new one loud ringing in my ear only the one ear my right, every noise that is made makes me jump out of my skin..........I'm a migrane suffer and they appear a lot more acid reflux is much worse and now comes with sickness,.
poor memory chatting away then I forget what I was ttakking about!!!!!!
R u going to try what I use for the sickness/nausea?
the best. Like we really bloody need it LOL.
jamie50513 jane63977
jane63977 jamie50513
pinkcatfairy jane63977
My peri started with unsettled periods, Weeks of spotting and feeling hot and nauseous was another first symptom of peri for me x
jane63977 pinkcatfairy
maria101 jane63977
jane63977 maria101
maria101 jane63977