Still getting no closer
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Hi all,
Try and make this as quick as possible, i have been having constipation for over a year Senna tablets are not helping, been having a pain under right hand side for a while now which is now spreading from below my right rib down to the bottom of my stomach.
I am having problems urinating but had a ct scan on my kidneys and blood tests all fine, had a liver ultrasound which came back fine(I used to be a heavy drinker)
now getting problems all over my stomach from shart pains all over. I had a colonoscopy 8 months ago which came back fine, Surely if there was anything major it would have shown up in that?
I might ask for another colonoscopy as my stool changes color from light brown to dark brown and comes out in all different shapes.
Anyone had any of these issues, getting to the end of my teather.
Tests so far.
Liver ultrasound and blood test.
CT scan and blood tests
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Worrychick tambdy
My main culprits are dairy, wheat, onions, legumes and nuts. If I eat dairy I feel like my ribs are swelling, the others cause lower pain and hard intestines, nausea and tummy ache x try taking one at a time out if your diet for a few week xx
Sexysimba Worrychick
goldwingman tambdy
Dreaming tambdy
Colonoscopy show only the colon.
Endoscopy show down to stomach area.
Constipation can be associated with stomach, small intestine as well as colon.
For your bowels to move you need enough water to soften stool.
Exercise help with stool.
Most important is diet, fiber.
Taking senna frequently is not the best descision because it can affect the walls of colon and make them lazy.
What food in your experiences have made you go?
For me prunes cooked in a small amount of water first thing in the morning.
I try to eat 5 in the morning uncooked cut up and then cooked in my oatmeal. I can't even taste them.
To get things started ,in case your stool is hard, you may need an enema.
They sell prepared enemas over the counter or you can do your own.
Hope things return to normal for you