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Hi guys
Well last lot of meds for detox last Sunday and the week went well apart from problems with balance and coordination, which I was told is a side effect of the clorodiazopoxide although almost a week on am still having some balance issues. Saw my GP yesterday and she said give it time for my brain and body to adjust to the missing 19 years of alcohol. On a good note my blood pressure has come right down from sky high and my kidney test is now okay. Liver function still high but down from 109 to 98. Will be having it tested again by my recovery nurse in 2 weeks so we'll see. Haven't had any vodka since starting detox on 19th quite pleased with myself. I know there is a very long way to go but committed to it now. Started Acamprosate to help with cravings. My counsellor,doctor, children are so proud of me and can't express it enough, on the other hand my husband has just checked I'd been taking the meds. No praise or "well done I know this is hard for you" which I have pointed out to him and he wasn't happy with that. No surprise there then.
Gosh I've rambled on chaps sorry about that but I just wanted to share with people who will understand the enormity of this battle now going forwards.
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TheToad numpty
Yes! You will do it! Believe me, it's worth it in many, many ways!
numpty TheToad
lisa99066 numpty
Hi, I'm 8 years sober after drinking heavily for 15 years. I too have children who it was very differcult for.
My husband also watches me take tablets which u sometimes find demeaning but without him I'd probably be in the gutter.
Well done for sticking with it and it does get easier.
I'm on antibuse, tried to come off it but went back to drinking, so probably be on it for EVER!!!
Great that your kids are supporting you.
Take care & message me when ever.xxxx
Your story sounds exactly like mine, vodka was my juice also. Xxx
numpty lisa99066
Managed to do so many things in the last 12 days which I could never do unless I had a vodka and coke to hand. So have proved to myself I can carry out day to day tasks just as well without having alcohol to get me motivated! x
lisa99066 numpty
Keep going day by day. Your doing fab xx
numpty lisa99066
Thank you
Yep I'm just taking it a day at a time. Don't want to get too in front of myself self. Just steady away xx
lisa99066 numpty
That's right, I would make a to do list Monday to Friday and gradually tick them off.
To keep yourself busy, quite satisfying ticking things off list 😊
I also got into crosswords to keep brain thinking about something else rather than drinking.
I eventually went back to work and became manager of a local charity. YAY!!
Your on the right track Hun and We are right with you through out. X
numpty lisa99066
Yep making to do lists sounds good.
I've also got into puzzles. Word search is my hook as is a crossword puzzle called Pixwords which is an app I downloaded. I've also got back into knitting, which I really enjoy just haven't been able to concentrate on it because of the drink or I would fall asleep because of the vodka. I'm just trying to get back to the things I always used to enjoy before the demon drink got its hooks in me.
vickylou numpty
Hey well done, it does get easier
Also great to hear you're sorted with campral now, rather than later.
You often hear of people completing a week's detox with medication without too many, if any, withdrawal symptoms .
The hard part is often finishing the detox without any plan or follow up on the next stage. This is often when people relapse.
However in your case, you've already started or got campral. This stops cravings, so it's much easier to keep going without alcohol. It does work and you'll be surprised that you're not thinking of alcohol and wanting a drink.
Be proud of yourself, you can beat this, just don't expect an overnight cure. I presume with you taking campral, tuhat you're seeing oan alcohol counsellor on a regular basis. Don't be too hard on your husband. He's probably a bit frightened of getting too blasé too soon. I know my husband was like that, after I'd let him down time after time. Mine was a bit cynical, thinking I've been here before, got hopes up, only to find he was back to square one again.
Stay strong, you've already seen an improvement in your blood pressure in just a week, so a positive already. Liver function will take longer to recover, but it will eventually, another reason not to go backwards.
numpty vickylou
Hi vickylou
I realise that I am at the beginning of a very challenging journey. I am still seeing my counsellor who is helping me go forward without alcohol, how to cope on social occasions when others are drinking etc she has also explained to me the difference between acute withdrawal e.g the detox and withdrawal when mood changes and other challenges can creep up on you like being surprised on the Ellen DeGeneres show!!! Lol. These can last for up to. 2 years and she has given plenty of info on that. At the moment I'm taking each day and battling ever negative thought that raises it's ugly head x
Misssy2 numpty
I am really happy for you.
It sure is a battle..but it appears you have your "weapons'.
I'm glad you posted. I like to know how others are doing in recovery.
gwen45436 numpty
Keep going from strength to strength - you deserve a bright, healthy future.
God bless......................G.
numpty Misssy2
Hi Misssy
Yep it's a battle okay but we can't win the war without winning the battles first.
I know it's going to be a difficult and challenging journey but even Christian in Pilgrims Progress finally lost the burden he had been carrying for so long, so I hope I can have the faith and fortitude he had.
Misssy2 numpty
numpty Misssy2
Well 2 weeks of sobriety Misssy and I'm just, just beginning to get emy mojo back. Starting to see a little rise in energy levels and I can remember things from the day before - whoop!! The Campral is definitely helping and I realise that. Don't intend to keep counting AF days but today is a milestone for me. Not going to be blasé about it either as I know there is still a tough journey ahead, but hey today I'm pretty chuffed with myself 😄. Thank you so much for your support. You're a bit of a legend on here x
gwen45436 numpty
Bloomin fab numpty - real proud of you