Still no weight loss 4 months after quitting BHRT !!!
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gained a massive amount of weight on bhrt 110 to 175 in 7-8 months .
i eat NO junk and very small meals .. i quit bhrt 4 months ago and i thought the weight would drop off ? i look like ive been blown up ! its not moving !!!
never been fat in my life .. nobody in my family is.
how long does it take to get out if system ??
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jude84900 lori93950
Hi Lori,
Welcome to the reality of getting older. Not sure if you are still having regular periods or not but as you get older your good estrogen estroil and estrodial is going bye bye and the bad estrogen ( estrone ) is increasing. That is the culprit for many women with weight gain and especially in the breasts and belly. I was thin my whole life too but into my 50's it was a whole new ballgame. I thought I was eating "right" too, and I wasn't losing a pound even being on the treadmill 5 days a week. The only way I could start to control it was to limit my carbs big time. Under 72 a day. Everything has carbs in it. Read the labels. Anything in a box with a bar code is typically high carbs. That Along with more excercise like belly stuff and arm weights has helped get it off and keep it off. Cardio is good but it don't really get that weight off. Now that your older if you want to keep "fit" you have to do some regular excercise, the kind that hurts to keep it off. Not fun or easy. Our metabolisms have changed and we process everything differently when we were young and vibrant. This has been my experience anyway. By the way, I"m 59, been on BHRT for almost 4 years and haven't had any problems with it causing weight gain. I started with creams and now on pellets. Did your BHRT have testosterone? That could have helped too. Just my thoughts.
lori93950 jude84900
no its not im afraid .. it was the bhrt. to gain so much in such a short period of time . many women gain a lot of weight on bhrt .
yes my body was amazing 110lbs all lean and muscle. i have epstein barr too mono so eat very little and that also makes you very skinny. i cant work out yet as still sick but always lost weight when i dont exercise.
spoke to dr and im off everything ... she says definitely the bhrt ..... and yes even after quitting my periods are now back to normal every month. before bhrt they were sporadic so know its still in my system .
im sure it will just drop off once its out of my system and things get back to the way before i started.
lisa95354 lori93950
hi Lori, were you on pills, a patch or cream? Was this also compounded from your pharmacist and did they do a hormone saliva test before you were on BHRT ? or is this what is called P.E.T., the progesterone estrogen testosterone, pellets, they put in the buttocks under the skin ?
lori93950 lisa95354
e patch p pills and then for a few weeks t cream .
lydia2311 lori93950
how are you doing now Lori?