Still not sure if I'm in peri but does this sound familiar?
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Wondering if this sounds at all familiar to anyone, I am about to turn 39, had a 'nervous breakdown' 6 months ago with no trigger or reason, I have suffered anxiety for years but never been this bad.
Anyway my most recent symptoms have been waking in the night but not always with a panic attack, instead I have a feeling of absolute impending doom.
I started my period 4 days ago, just 19 days after the last one and have noticed my anxiety heightens from day 4 until a few days after it ends now, it used to worsen before my period but now it's shifted to day 4 and beyond.
I don't have sweats but I do have facial flushing a lot especially on my period and I have itchy skin a lot.
My periods have been heavy for years but now on day 4 it will seem to be slowing down then I will have a very heavy gush, last month I thought I had forgotten to put a tampon in, thanked my lucky stars that I had backed myself up with a pad then got home and realised I had not forgotten and had gone through a super plus tampon and a pad in less than an hour.
They have been coming 3 weeks apart for about a year now, I had one or two 26 days apart but as I said this time it was just 19 days.
My gp said it might not be reliable to do a blood test because hormones fluctuate so much in the early stages of peri that it might not even show, I may get a second opinion though.
Sorry for all the TMI but this is horrible and I am reall trying to work out if the hell I have been in for the past 6 months could be related to it all.
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I had some minor stress incontinence after having children which improved after I lost weight but now if I can't get to the loo I will definitely wet myself, the other day I decided to grab the post before I went into the loo and those few seconds ended with me wetting myself before I could undo my trousers, that has never happened to me and I couldn't stop it
Snowbell1975 BellaLuna
BellaLuna Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 BellaLuna
BellaLuna Snowbell1975
kathryn81522 BellaLuna
Snowbell1975 kathryn81522
I know how concerning it is, mine gave me Xanax. Im scared to death to take it for fear of being addicted, so it sits in my medicine chest. Let us know how you fare with the HRT. I want to get on it to see if it will help.
kathryn81522 Snowbell1975
unico31026 Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 unico31026
jamie50513 BellaLuna
BellaLuna jamie50513
jamie50513 BellaLuna
Michellestar87 BellaLuna
elaine33371 Michellestar87