Still sore!!

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Hi, How are you going now with it all? I’ve had six months of hell and three weeks after surgery I’m still suffering big time!  it is less hours of pain per day but still very severe after bm. what can we do!!? Is it worth trying Botox again?? Any suggestions as my pain is ruining my life completely! 

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    Hey Daz. Just give it time. I am just over a month post op now and only seeing a big difference now. I still had pain after every BM every day for weeks after. And although I’m not 100% pain free I am managing and at long last feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

    I used coconut oil and lots of sitz baths with a handful of himilayan salt. I never wiped, only use a soft water spray to clean and dab gently with a soft towel to dry. You can also use a hair dryer. But be gentle and let your body heal. Most importantly keep your stool soft so you don’t need to do any straining. I really hope things improve for you soon. It did take a while for me too and I was also starting to get despondent at times. 

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks. I have to sit on hot wheat bags for hours a day as it really helps. I need it to heal as my business is suffering a lot. I wished there was a good cream to help my pain. At times it’s unbelievable! 
    • Posted

      Hi, yes the hot wheat bags were also my best friend for ages!

      Try calmoseptine cream, that may help but the best help was a cream I got from my surgeon after I complained that I was still in a lot of pain which was a Diltiazem paste made by crushing 10 x 6mm Diltiazem tablets in 29g white paraffin. Perhaps you can ask your surgeon? This is applied to the area 3-4 times a day. It is a muscle relaxant and seems to relax the sphincter muscle which is causing the pain.  I hope you get some relief soon 

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