Stinging Pain on Rib Cage
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Hi all, does anyone get a stinging burning pain on their ribcage I went to the doctor and had it checked out she seems to think its muscle pain on the right ribcage when I have it I also have the sensation of being able to feel every rib on that side. Everyday something new I've had this on and off now for about 6 months and wondered if it might be nerve pain as heat doesn't help it but ice does.
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2chr2015 paisleygirl
paisleygirl 2chr2015
metamorphed paisleygirl
paisleygirl metamorphed
2chr2015 paisleygirl
paisleygirl 2chr2015
the one thing that gives me hope is that i was speaking with an older lady yesterday and she told me oh those darn hormones cause so much trouble but believe it will end eventually and then you can start living your life again...she said just keep that in mind to help you get through I'm trying's to us all one day being finally done with all of this
metamorphed paisleygirl
2chr2015 paisleygirl
Thank you thank you for sharing that. I will take any sliver of hope I can't get right now😊
2chr2015 paisleygirl
sheena4572 paisleygirl
I'm not glad that you're having rib problems but so glad it's not just me. My rib pains occur one side or both sides sometimes front sometimes back sometimes side I've noticed tonight that they're quite tender and a little hard to the touch I am
un diagnosed as yet as my gp is less than useless. I've bought some of the fsh kits online going to do these on my next monthly whenever that arrives haha and am speaking to the really nice nurse practitioner on Thursday to discuss all symptoms and hopefully get some answers
Hope you feel better soon xxx
paisleygirl sheena4572
2chr2015 sheena4572
monique_93857 paisleygirl
I don't have the burning in the ribs but I do experience very warm feeling in my arm at times it comes and goes
2chr2015 paisleygirl
I wonder if the pain you are describing is the same pain I have in the kidney area? And I do have in the front also, but always along the bottom of my ribs. I don't have pain between my ribs. Hmmm
just saw this and had to share
wishing everyone a great weekend
2chr2015 paisleygirl